Properties of vegetable drinks

Properties of plant milks

What does plant milk provide?

Bebidas vegetales

Pictured: hazelnut drink, with hazelnuts, toasted almonds and tiger nuts

Vegetable drinks have gained a lot of popularity in recent years as a substitute for milk.

This type of drinks, which were initially consumed by people with allergies or milk intollerance, is increasingly being consumed by more people, due to its exquisite flavour and healthy properties:

Main benefits of plant milks

  • They do not contain cholesterol: cholesterol is a substance found exclusively in foods of animal origin (butter, cheese, meat, seafood, etc.), and will never be found in plant-based foods such as vegetable milks.

Indeed, vegetable drinks are a healthy alternative for those people who need to lower their cholesterol and do not like skimmed milk. In addition, soy drink contains principles that help lower cholesterol, such as the presence of lecithin and phytosterols.

  • Low in sodium: due to their low sodium content and their cholesterol-lowering properties mentioned above, these drinks are healthy for people with cholesterol, hypertension or arteriosclerosis.

They are very suitable for people with kidney failure, gout, cellulite, fluid retention and health conditions that require low sodium intake.

  • Easily digestible, energetic and restorative drink: due to their nutritional, energetic and easy-to-digest value, they are ideal drinks for athletes, people with stress, nervousness and with asthenia or fatigue.

People who suffer from gastritis, heavy digestion, heartburn, ulcers or who simply find milk difficult to digest can also benefit from its easy-to-digest nutrients.

  • Psoriasis: some skin diseases, such as psoriasis, have been shown to improve by eliminating dairy products from the diet. The main alternative to this substitution is calcium-enriched vegetable drinks, which are free of saturated animal fats and animal proteins.
  • Digestive diseases: vegetable drinks are a very important source of calcium and an ideal substitute for milk for people suffering from Dumping syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel syndrome. They do not contain lactose and their protein content is lower, so they can be taken in these cases.
  • Soy-based beverages are the most protein-rich: they are recommended as the first substitute for milk, since they are the most complete due to their amino acid content and are generally enriched with calcium and vitamins.
  • They do not contain cow protein or lactose: vegetable drinks do not contain milk or lactose, which makes them suitable for people with lactose intolerance, milk allergies and celiac disease.
  • They do not contain stimulants: These drinks do not contain stimulants, such as caffeine or taurine, making them suitable for children, pregnant women and the elderly.
  • Non-carbonated drinks: These plant-based drinks, which are free of gas (phosphoric acid) and rich in minerals, do not decalcify (as happens with carbonated colas) and help maintain a healthy diet for the bones. It is, therefore, a healthy snack alternative recommended for people with fibromyalgia, bone problems and osteoporosis.

punto rojo More information on vegetable drinks

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

2 October, 2024

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