Turmeric properties with lemon and honey


Is infused turmeric good?

“Hello, I want to start taking turmeric and I wonder if it will be good to take it as an infusion. Thank you very much and congratulations on your page.”

Message received from Botanical-online Facebook.

Dear reader,

Thank you very much for your trust and sorry for the delay in replying. It should specify in which presentation she bought the turmeric. We propose the possible cases:

  • Turmeric capsules: Take them according to the instructions on the package insert or your doctor.
  • Turmeric powder: The active ingredients of turmeric (curcuminoids) are better assimilated with fats and with a pinch of black pepper. Therefore, it should be taken as follows: sprinkled on meals, added to the end of dishes (add in a soup, vegetable cream, salad, etc.). Always accompanied with a little oil (you don’t need much) and a pinch of black pepper.

We emphasize that you must add it at the end of cooking, because if it is cooked, the turmeric loses its effect. It has been seen that after 15 minutes of cooking, 80% of the active principles are lost.

Here are many more details of all this that we tell you about turmeric:

“Yesterday I bought turmeric for pain and inflammation and the instructions that the seller offered me was sweetened with natural honey last night.

Tell me if it is correct to continue taking it like this.

Last night when making the first one I added half a teaspoon and today I increased it to a teaspoon. ”

We do not know why they have recommended taking turmeric with honey and in infusions, it may be because of a sore throat or simply to sweeten the infusion. According to our information, honey has no effect on the absorption and effect of turmeric.

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We hope we have answered your question,

* Related information: Is turmeric good in infusions?

punto rojo More information on contraindications and toxicity of turmeric

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

6 April, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.