Tropical fruits list



(From A -D)

What are the main tropical fruits?

There are many tropical fruits. Among the principal ones, we could mention the following:


The ability of keeping people younger and stronger for longer is related to the antioxidant properties of this fruit. Apricots have a very high amount of vitamin A as beta carotene. The carotenoids are the ones that give the yellow characteristic coloration of this fruit.



The main food characteristic of this fruit is its richness in fat The advantage of these fats is that they are formed with unsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic and linolenic acids)



Bananas are very rich in carbohydrates, reason why they constitute one of the best ways to provide our organisms with vegetable energy. They will be very suitable for children, who need an energetic food to satiate them quickly. Equally for the sportsmen or for any person that requires a healthy ” bite ” in any moment.


Bladder cherry:

Bladder cherry is especially beneficial in some genitourinary disorders, because it has the property of increasing the diuresis since it contains vitamin C and vitamin A. Physalins and citric acid are substances with antibacterial action.

bladder cherry

Carambola or star fruit:

Carambola stands out because of its wealth in fumaric acid, succinic acid and tartaric acid. These acids are responsible for the antioxidant and flavor of this fruit.



Chayotes contain a lot of water and very few calories. Its potassium content is very high. This makes it a very suitable food to control the level of fluids in the body.



Cherimoya tastes differently to the rest of fruits, quirky, sweet with a touch of acidity which is very appreciated, like a mix of pear, banana and cinnamon.



Coconut consumption is interesting in remineralizing diets as diets for athletes, since the minerals in coconut are essential to replenish electrolytes lost by sweating. It is also a nut that brings energy because it contains a lot of protein and fats.



Because of their high content in carbohydrates and sugars, dates can be considered as one of the main high-energy food. Ideal to replenish energy after a long walk or when working hard. A good source of energy for children who can keep playing for a long time without feeling the sensation of fatigue, or for athletes after or during competition.



Durian fruit, nutritionally speaking, is a very energetic food, rich in vitamins. It gives us natural sugars of fruits, easily absorbed, such as glucose and fructose. Along with its content in minerals like magnesium and B vitamins, the durian fruit is suitable for sport.

Go to the next tropical fruits (from E – Z)

punto rojoMore information about fruits.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

10 August, 2024

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