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Toxicity of green tomatoes

Can tomatoes be toxic?
Tomatoes, when eaten green, can be very toxic. The degree of toxicity depends on the degree of ripeness of the fruit.
When fully green, tomatoes can be as toxic as the tomato plant itself, a plant of the Nightshade family that is very poisonous.
As they begin to mature, they lose solanine, the toxic component, so that, if a little green, they can be a bit indigestible or even not to cause any problems.
*More information in the listing below
Contraindications of tomatoes
Tomatoes, even ripe tomatoes, are contraindicated in some people with sensitivity to tomato glycoproteins. Such components, which appears in other foods such as strawberries, is liable to cause food allergy to a person sensitive to these.
In sensitive individuals it is quite enough the tomato juice contact with the skin for adverse reactions.
This type of contact allergic reaction usually occurs in people both sensitive when eating or handling tomatoes as farmers working in this type of culture.
What reactions can tomato cause in people with allergies?
In people allergic to tomatoes reactions that occur when eating this fruit can be very violent. The main symptoms of food allergy are:
- Diarrhea
- Pain in the belly
- Intestinal gas
- Pain in the head
- Sneezing
- Dry mouth or with a lot of saliva
- Chills
- Dermatitis
- Itching
- Irritation
- Muscle aches
- Back pain
- Inability to concentrate
- Palpitations, etc.
Contact with tomato juice
The main symptoms that can occur through contact with tomato juice are:
- Eczema
- Irritations
- Redness
- Dermatitis
- Scales in hand,
- Blisters,
- Stretch marks, etc.
Green tomatoes and migraine
The presence of the alkaloid tomatine has been associated with increased migraine in people who are prone to this type of disease when they eat green tomatoes. To avoid this problem, we recommend them eating ripe tomatoes.
More information about tomatoes