What is sunflower oil?
Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds. These are subjected to mechanical extraction, with use of solvents and by a process of dewaxing to minimize the particular oil impurities such as waxes.
Subsequently, sunflower oil is subjected to a refining process.
What does sunflower oil contain?
Its content in saturated fatty acids is very low, not reaching levels of 10%, which is beneficial for the health of the consumer of this type of oil.
In regard to monounsaturated fatty acids, it may contain between 10% and 40% of oleic acid. We should note that, after the safflower oil, sunflower oil is richest oil in linoleic acid, that’s to say, the polyunsaturated fatty acid omega 6 which appears in this oil above values of 70%.
Linolenic acid (omega 3) in sunflower oil is practically zero.
Therefore, if you consume this type of oil, you will obtain all the benefits that brings us its essential fatty acid omega 6, such as lowering the levels of cholesterol.
Sunflower oil is the second richest oil in vitamin E, after wheat germ, something which gives us more antioxidant effect and less rancidity.
(More information on the composition of sunflower oil)
Physical and chemical properties of sunflower oil
Sunflower oil has very neutral flavor and virtually translucent, slightly yellow color, compared to olive oil. Its acidity never exceeds 2 degrees.
What is sunflower oil used for?
The main uses of sunflower are the following:
Food uses.
This oil is widely used either as raw dressing, in developing all kinds of sauces, culinary cooking, especially fried, and evidently in making margarines.
Thanks to its mild flavor, no flavor is added to the dishes, so it is highly valued by that attribute. It is also used as preservative.
Sunflower oil bottles, showing the particular light yellow color of this type of oil.
External applications of sunflower oil
Sunflower oil is used in cosmetics for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties thanks to its vitamin E.
We can also find soaps made with this oil.
As in the rest of oils, its lubricating properties may be used as a laxative for constipation. Furthermore, it is also an excellent preservative.
In some countries automotive fuels contain this oil as one of the ingredients.
* Related information:
Calendula cream with sunflower oil for dry skin
Differences between olive oil and sunflower
More information on sunflower and sunflower oil.