Sesame properties


Components of the sesame plant

Traditional medicinal uses of sesame

In 1677 Andres Laguna translated the book “About medical matter and poisons” from the Greek writer Dioscorides. In speaking of sesame,it writes as follows:

” Baladino is made in the same way, it removes stains, freckles, pimples and black scars on the face, causing the benefit of the womb, it is opposing the stomach and infused with goose fat, is useful for pain, against the humming, and against the ear whistling in the ears. In the same way, the Sesame is done, that means happines and that one which is squeezed from walnuts and has the same force that Balanino (Quote from Dioscorides)

The Sesame oil, which is that one from joy, fattens the body, corrects the roughness of the throat, clears your throat, and softens hardened abscesses. The oild of walnuts is good for lamps “

In Western culture, sesame, especially sesame oil, has been used for skin care and pain management, burns, joint pain, snake bites, headache, earache, etc.. Probably due to its protective function, Pliny called it ” Sesama = female “Sesame”)

In Hindu culture the sesame seeds are a symbol of immortality and its oil is widely used in prayers and rituals. In Chinese traditional medicine, many remedies are being done with this plant.

Current medicinal properties of sesame

Currently the seeds, oil and leaves of sesame are exploited for medicinal purposes.


Sesame leaves are medicinally used because of its richness in mucilage. Mucilage is a type of soluble fiber with well recognized medicinal properties . In the case of sesame leaves, they are used mainly for stomachic properties.

The mucilage has the ability to protect internal mucous membranes, so its use is appropriate for the treatment of gastrointestinal irritation (gastritis, heartburn, indigestion, etc)

Unlike sesame oil, which has laxative properties, sesame leaves can be used to combat diarrhea (Infusion of a spoonful of sesame leaves per cup of water. Take a couple of cups a day)

In external use, the sesame leaf tea has beneficial properties for the skin, which can be used for wounds, cracks, sores, pimples, cuts, burns, conjunctivitis, etc. (Infusion of a spoonful of sesame leaves per cup of water. Clean the affected area with the liquid)


Sesame oil is used internally to treat cholesterol and hypertension. Internally or externally, sesame oil is very useful for pain, it has antioxidant properties and is a good ally for menopausal symptoms.

It is applied externally on skin disorders and it is part of the composition of many creams and products for skin care.

(See more information about the properties of sesame oil)


Sesame seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fats, minerals, fiber and vitamin B, which gives this food and great benefits for the body (cholesterol lowering, prevention of circulatory diseases, osteoporosis, nerve disease control, antioxidant properties, etc)

From the phytotherapeuticl viewpoint, it has been used to increase milk production in lactating women, but many current studies do not support this use. It is customary in Chinese culture, eating the toasted sesame seeds with a bit of salt for this purpose.

With sesame seeds a remedy for toothache can be prepared as follows: Boil 100 g of sesame seeds in a glass of water until the water is reduced by half. Apply the resulting liquid on the sore tooth.

Eating sesame seeds, according to traditional Chinese medicine, can help minimize dizziness and reduce the ringing caused by tinnitus.

Within this same treatment, it is believed that eating these seeds can help prevent baldness, something which is not difficult to believe when one considers that these seeds, besides being antioxidants, help to improve blood circulation both internal and external.

A further contribution of blood flow to the scalp hair follicles, combined with its richness in proteins, its high zinc content and its ability to reduce stress, can convert the sesame seeds in a good ally for the maintenance and health of your hair.

Perhaps, unknowingly, we have a natural alternative to the use of minoxidil!

punto rojoMore information on sesame seeds and other characteristics.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 January, 2025

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