Characteristics of kombu seaweed

What is kombu seaweed?

Characteristics of the kombu seaweed (Saccharina japonica L.)

kombu seaweed
Hydrated kombu seaweed

Common name: Kombu seaweed

Scientific name: Saccharina japonica L .

It owes its scientific name (Saccharina) to the sweet taste of the glutamic acid it contains and its sugars fructose and mannitol (polyol). It comes from Japan (japonica).

Habitat: It grows wild in deep, cold waters. Its cultivation is known in Spain, France, China, Japan, Russia and Korea.

Description of kombu seaweed

It is an alga belonging to the same family as Kelp algae.

It has a yellow-brown pigmentation. It is the longest alga spices in the sea. It can measure up to 450 meters at great depths. It is a fleshy seaweed with an intense flavor.

It contains alginic acid and glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate is a derivative of the latter). These components are associated with the property of softening the fibers of the foods with which they are cooked and shortening the cooking time (eg legumes).

Kombu seaweed composition

Kombu seaweed stands out from other seaweeds due to its content of sugars, alginic acid, glutamic acid and its content of potassium, calcium and iodine.

Composition of dried kombu seaweed, per 100g of edible portion
Carbohydrates (g)53,9
Proteins (g)7,3
Fats (g)1,1
Fiber (g)30
Iron (mg)15alto
Calcium (mg)800alto
Iodine (µg)300alto
Phosphorus (mg)150
Potassium (mg)5800alto
Sodium (mg)2500alto
Vitamin A (mg)430alto
Vitamin B1 o thiamine (mg)0,08
Vitamin B2 o riboflavin (mg)0,32
Vitamin B3 o niacin (mg)1,8
Vitamin C (mg)11

*Caption: alto= High content of this nutrient.

* In general, all algae are very rich in minerals. In small amounts they provide many minerals, so it is not necessary to eat them in large quantities to obtain their nutrients. Iron of animal origin is better assimilated than iron of vegetable origin.

Uses for kombu seaweed

kombu seaweed
Photo of dehydrated kombu seaweed

The main difference between seaweeds and terrestrial vegetables is that seaweeds are much more concentrated in minerals and fibers. In small amounts they provide many minerals, so it is not necessary to eat them in large quantities to obtain their nutrients.

Preparation of kombu seaweed

  • Chop with scissors, boil or cook with other foods or in soups, for at least 20 minutes.
  • Kombu seaweed is used like wakame seaweed, in soups, stews, broths, to cook legumes and vegetable proteins (tofu, tempeh, seitan), fried and as a condiment, toast.
  • It is also one of the seaweeds used in miso soup.

punto rojo More information on seaweeds

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

2 December, 2023

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