Nutritional value of radishes

Food value of radishes

Composition of radishes per 100 gr.
Water 94, gr.
Calories20 Kcal
Fats0, 54 gr.
Proteins0, 60 gr.
Carbohydrates3, 59 gr.
Fiber1, 6 gr.
Potassium232 mg
Sodium24 mg
Phosphorus18 mg
Calcium21 mg
Magnesium9 mg
Iron0, 29 mg
Zinc0, 30 mg
Vitamin C22, 8 mg
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)0,005 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0, 045 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)0, 071 mg
Vitamin A8 IU
Vitamin E0, 001 mg
Folacin27 mcg
Niacin0,300 mg

Radishes in food

Radishes are foods that are very digestible, although they have to be chewed well. Only in certain very sensitive people it produces assimilation problems causing flatulence. In general, they are a bit spicy to taste, but if we let them cool in the fridge, they lose this property. Among the main recipes with radishes we have:

Red radish salad with onion for 4 people


  • Peel the onion and wash all the ingredients well.
  • Place the chopped lettuce as a base.
  • Cut the onion and radishes into thin rings, saving a radish for the final decoration.
  • Place a layer of onion rings on the lettuce.
  • We will form an outer circle with the slices of radishes.
  • We will cut the remaining radish in the form of petals and place it in the center. We will dress it with a tablespoon of oil, another of vinegar and a pinch of salt
  • A tablespoon of sesame seeds can be sprinkled on top.

punto rojo More information on los rábanos

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

8 July, 2024

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