Are peanuts good for cholesterol?

Can peanuts reduce cholesterol?

Peanuts contain about three-quarters of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, they are recommended for cholesterol management. It has been shown in numerous comparative diets that eating small amounts of peanuts can reduce bad cholesterol by up to 14%.

Despite this capacity, we must be cautious with this food, because it has lots of energy, which can be stored as fat which facilitates the development of cholesterol.

We recommend eating them in moderation only two or three times a week and eat those that are not salty.

Salted peanuts, as well as other salted foods such as sunflower seeds, almonds, etc. should be eaten only occasionally.

*Related information:

Diet to decrease bad cholesterol

High triglycerides diet

Characteristics of cholesterol

Causes of cholesterol

High cholesterol food

Good cholesterol

Bad cholesterol

punto rojo More information about peanut.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

3 January, 2022

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