Peach benefits

Nutritional composition of peaches

What are peaches?

Nectarine is a variety of peach

The peach is the fruit of the peach tree (Prunus persica). It has a rounded shape with a fine, smooth and velvety skin. Some varieties, such as nectarines, do not have hairiness on the skin.

Peach characteristics

The color of its peach indicates its ripeness, which varies from light orange and yellow, to deep orange with red tones, as the fruit ripens.

If we peel the peach, inside it contains an edible pulp of an intense orange color and a smooth texture. Some varieties of peaches have different colored skin, such as white, or different shades of orange. They can also have a different texture, because when ripe, some varieties are more watery or soft, and others are smoother or firmer.

In the center of the fruit it has a large round pit. The seed is not edible.

What do peaches contain?

As an energy source, 100 grams of peaches provide us with 43 kilocalories. Its proportion of nutrients is divided into:

  • More than 87% is water, therefore it is a hydrating food.
  • 11% carbohydrates, which are natural sugars.
  • 2% fiber, with prebiotic effect.
  • 0% fat.
  • peaches
    Peaches in a market

    1% protein

From a mineral point of view, it is a fruit rich in potassium, but it also contains phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese and copper.

From a vitamin point of view, it is a fruit that is very rich in vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotenes and xanthophylls), vitamin C and vitamin E. It also contains group B vitamins.

Benefits of peaches

  • It has a high water content, which prevents us from becoming dehydrated.
  • It gives us energy to have vitality during the day.
  • It is a poor source of fat and protein.
  • It has a high content of carbohydrates, specifically sugars.
  • It has a moderate fiber content.
  • It helps us eliminate toxins from our body, due to its potassium content.
  • Calcium together with phosphorus, maintains the balance of the formation of strong bones.
  • It helps us to maintain correct brain functions, due to its content of phosphorus and B vitamins (except B12).
  • It protects our skin and helps keep it healthy, due to its vitamin A content.
  • It protects us from colds and helps heal wounds, due to its vitamin C content. It protects us from toxins and aging, due to its content in vitamin A, C and E and the minerals selenium and zinc.

Composition of peaches

punto rojo More information on fruit

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

16 July, 2021

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