Nutritional properties of oat milk

Benefits of oat milk


oat drink

Photo of oat drink with oat flakes. The oat drink is enriched with calcium from seaweed. There is also oat milk powder

What is oat milk?

Oat milk or oat drink is a beverage of vegetable origin, made from oat grains (Avena sativa).

Although it is named as oat milk because of its similarity to milk, the correct designation is oatmeal drink.

Oatmeal is the most balanced cereal, highlighted by its contribution in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber in balance.

  • Oat mils is obtained from the cooking of whole oat kernels, ground, cleaned and crushed.

Benefits of oat milk

Oat drink does not weigh in the stomach and it is easy to digest, since its carbohydrates are easy to assimilate and it is poor in proteins. This vegetable drink contains monounsaturated fats, which provide energy to the body.

Oat milk has been shown to be effective in reducing cholesterol, as a study by the University of Lund (Sweden) concludes.

This drink is more appropriate than rice drink, if you have to permanently replace milk or soy drink because you are intolerant or allergic, since its nutritional richness in proteins and fats is greater than that of rice milk.

Oats are rich in B vitamins, beneficial to the nervous system, as well as containing avenin, an alkaloid with a calming effect.

Does oat milk have gluten?


Oats, despite not containing gluten, during processing is in contact with cereals with gluten. Many products with oats contain gluten, so it is only recommended to take those oatmeal products whose label distinguishes: “Suitable for coeliac”.

In case of celiac disease, you should look for the symbol for celiac in the package. For the same reason, those allergic to soy should check the label. Do not cheat if there are doubts about the labeling.

Whom is oat milk specially good for?

For all its components, oatmeal looks like a cereal designed for:

  • People who have a lot of mental activity
  • People with anxiety, or stress
  • People with high “bad cholesterol
  • People with insomnia
  • For those who suffer from digestive diseases
  • For lack of appetite of nervous origin.
  • For people with lactose intolerance and allergic to milk.

Which oat milk is the best?

It is recommended to consume it enriched in calcium and vitamins to provide the nutrients of milk. On the market there are oatmeal drinks enriched with natural calcium from the algae (Lithothamnium calcareum).


Nutritional composition of the oat drink enriched with calcium per 100g.
Calories (kcal.)57
Carbohydrates (g.)9,1
Proteins (g.)1
Fats (g.)1,8
Fiber (g.)0,9
Cholesterol (mg.)0
Sodium (mg.)0,04
Vitamin B12 (mcg.)
Vitamin D (mcg.)

* The calcium content is because it is an enriched drink.

Is oat milk rich in many proteins?

Oat vegetable milk is the richest in protein after soy drink, surpassing the protein content provided by rice milk, almond milk or other milk such as amaranth milk, tiger nuts, etc.

Even so, the protein intake of oat milk is low. It contains 1 gram of protein per 100g, equivalent to 2 grams of protein per glass.

To establish a comparison, cow’s milk provides approximately 6 grams of protein per glass. For this reason, it is convenient to combine the oatmeal drink with protein-rich foods, especially in the case of children, young people and people with special protein needs.

* More information: How to take oats

punto rojoMore information on oats.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

8 July, 2024

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