How to collect and cook nettles without getting stung

Collecting nettles and how to prepare them to eat

What are nettles and why do we collect them?

Nettle (Urtica dioica) is a medicinal and edible plant that is collected mainly for two purposes. On the one hand, it can be dried and saved to be used in infusions, with diuretic and depurative properties.

collecting nettles wild plants
The technique of placing the bag on the neck is very practical since it leaves your hands free to collect nettles with the help of scissors

Another possibility is to pick wild nettles or from our garden to consume them as a vegetable, just as if they were spinach. On a nutritional level, nettles are a food exceptionally rich in vitamins (especially folic acid), minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc.).

Is it possible to collect nettles without getting stung?

We have been able to confirm that there are many false myths circulating about how to collect nettles and prevent them from stinging. Some claim that they should be harvested from the stem, which is a big mistake, since it is where the plant has the most stinging hairs. Others say that if we don’t breathe while touching them they don’t sting… Obviously, none of that is true.

Here we will explain, from knowledge and experience, everything about collecting nettles and four basic tips to prepare them when you get home.

Why do nettles sting?

Enlargement of the stinging hairs of nettles. Closer we would see the vesicles of stinging fluid

First of all, the only way to prevent nettles from stinging is to not touch their stinging hairs. We invite you to look at a nettle with a magnifying glass: You will be able to see that in each stinging hair there are fluid vesicles, like droplets.

When we brush against the nettles, the hairs superficially damage the skin and the liquid droplet penetrates the superficial layers of the dermis. This stinging liquid contains histamine, which produces an immune reaction characterized by redness of the skin and itching.

Depending on the sensitivity of each person, this reaction may be more or less intense. It will also vary according to exposure, since a slight scratch is not the same as falling on a nettle. In any case, people with sensitive skin are advised to take extreme precautions and protect themselves with clothing and gloves.

Why do some people not get stung by nettles?

All humans react to nettle stings! This is because histamine, due to the nature of the substance, always produces skin reactions. Always! In fact, this substance is used in allergy prick tests as a control, because everyone reacts to it.

collecting nettles wild plants
Some experienced people collect nettles with their fingers

However, there are people who do not get stung because they know how to collect nettles without getting stung, or because their body’s reaction is not very exaggerated, although if we ask them, they will surely tell us that they feel itching.

What material do we need to collect nettles?

In order to collect nettles we need:

  • Some medium scissors
  • A cloth bag with long handles
  • Gloves (they are optional, because you can collect the nettles without gloves, but it is advisable to use them
  • Good footwear and comfortable clothing to go to the countryside (long pants to get close to the nettles!)
  • Previous knowledge about what the plant is like so as not to confuse it

How to cut nettles without getting stung yourself step by step

  • clothes bags
    Cloth bags are the best for collecting nettles, then we will tell you why

    First we hang the bag around our neck kangaroo mode, from a handle, so that the bag is open.

  • With one hand, we cut the top 4-6 leaves of nettles, which is the edible part. The “old” lower leaves of nettles are not consumed. They are more fibrous and have a less pleasant taste.
  • With the other hand, and carefully, we place the nettles in the bag. The upper leaves of nettles are so tender that they have very few stinging hairs, so they hardly sting. In any case, it is advisable to use gloves. Sensitive people can have strong skin reactions, so protect ourselves.

Trick to stop nettles from stinging

Nettles stop stinging when:

  • They are blanched or cooked (run through hot water)
  • If 12 hours pass after collecting the fresh plant, although it is not a foolproof trick since it may sting a little.
  • dried nettles
    Dried nettles do not sting

    They get crushed. A trick to stop them stinging is to crush the bag of nettles with a wooden rolling pin. (for this reason it is better to use cloth bags) (or a glass jar). When the nettles are crushed, the vesicles break and the stinging component is decomposed. In a few minutes the nettles have lost almost all their stinging power and are easier to handle, although their appearance will be worse, as they will darken and therefore will have to be eaten soon. Be careful! there may be some stinging hairs left)

  • If they dry out.

What to do if we get stung while picking nettles?

There is a traditional remedy for nettle stings that consists of crushing and rubbing a plantain leaf on the sting area (any type of plantain will do). The itching disappears in a few minutes.

*Related information:

How to cook nettles

Recipe and properties of nettle soup

– Food properties of nettles

punto rojo More information on nettles: properties, preparations and recipes

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

12 May, 2024

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