Food properties of nettles

Food uses of nettle

Nettles are edible wild plants

wild nettles
Wild nettles

They can be cooked like any vegetable and in combination with other vegetables and then seasoned with oil and salt. Its flavor is similar to chard or spinach and it is even said that the properties of nettles surpass those of the former since they are very similar.

Nettles do not contain sodium oxalate and instead contain other beneficial active ingredients discussed throughout this article.

*Related information: Edible wild plants in food 

Nutritional value of nettles

They are very healthy since in the kitchen it is valued above all that they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Furthermore, for every hundred grams of this fresh plant we obtain 6 to 8 grams of protein, 30 to 35 g if it is dried, and it contains 9% fiber.

The omelette and nettle soup made with celery and onion are also good, which will be left to cook for twenty minutes. It will be ideal for people with cholesterol. It can even be served with chicken.

By cooking them, so that they do not sting, and ingesting them we can incorporate many of their active substances, and in this way they provide us with their medicinal properties.

It should be taken into account that, after collecting them, it is better to let them rest for half a day, before cooking them. This way we can handle them without being stung. It is also advisable to remove the stems and only cook the leaves. It is a fairly woody plant and chewing the stem is not very pleasant.

punto rojo More information on nettles

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

12 May, 2024

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