Lemon on fasting
The lemon diet is usually made by one or several daily lemon juice intakes.
Usually when fasting, for the purpose of purifying the body of impurities, toxins and other substances accumulated in the intestinal tract, which are considered to be harmful to health and are caused by a possible poor nutrition performed in a lasting way.
There is no scientific evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of this type of diet. Which does not mean that they do not achieve their goal, but it does not mean that they are the best way to achieve that goal, much less the healthiest.
Demonstrated effects of lemon
Photo lemon
Due to its nutritional composition, lemon and its juice is a source of micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins, which are very interesting and gives us benefits.
It has a high content of vitamin C and B, in addition to being high in potassium and magnesium, which confers preventive properties against colds, diuretic and basifying effects in our body.
Although its flavor is acidic, when ingested has an alkalizing effect in our body, which does not mean that in fasting intake can not cause irritation or stomach acidity.
Due to its draining effect on the gallbladder, the lemon or its juice is indicated against cases of constipation, since the action exerted on the bile causes a segregation of substances that increase the intestinal rhythm with laxative effect.
- It is contraindicated in people with gallstones.
*More information:
– Lemon for gastritis and ulcer
More information on lemon