Lemon nutritional composition


(PER 100 GR.)

Nutritional composition of lemons per 100g.
NutrientsWith peelPeeled
Water (g)87.3588.90
Energy (kcal)2029
Fats (g)0.310.3
Carbohydrates (g)10.79.32
Fiber (g)4.72.8
Potassium (mg)144137
Calcium (mg)6226
Phosphorus (mg)1516
Magnesium (mg)128
Vitamin C (mg)7753
Pantothenic acid (mg)0.2340.192
Vitamin B-6 (mg)0.1090. 80
Folic acid (mcg)11mcg.11 mcg.

We can use the lemon juice or the pulp of the fruit like a product for cleaning, substituting the chemical products.


In the kitchen lemon is used to decorate and to perfume many plates. It is used habitually in this way with fish and with salads.

It appears like complement of many cocktails to those that it contributes with its aroma and its digestive properties and it enters, mainly, as first component in the production of the lemonade, a very advisable drink to remove the thirst and for all their medicinal properties, provided that it becomes from home-made elaboration,



  • 4 lemons
  • 1 cup of brown sugar (You could substitute it for honey)
  • 1 liter and half of water
  • Mint (optional)


  • Cut the lemons in two
  • Squeeze them and pour the juice in a jar
  • Strain the juice and add the sugar and the water
  • Stir it well and serve cool.

Toxicity of lemon

All the citrus species contain fototoxic -irritating essential oils, producing reactions to those that are exposed to strong ultraviolet rays (those that carry out activities at high mountain)

Among these reactions we find pocks in the lips or dermatitis in those external parts of the body that have entered in contact with the juice. It is then convenient not to drink lemon juice if we will be exposed to very strong radiations or if we are allergic to their components. The essential oil is also contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing.

Essential oil is also contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

The lemon juice is dangerous for the teeth because it attacks the dental plaque and it can yellow it. A good solution to avoid it consists on drinking it with a straw.

Ways of use: Lemons should be consumed fresh. The gathering time extends from autumn to spring.

punto rojo More information on lemon

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

8 July, 2024

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"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.