- 1 Nutritional benefits of legumes
- 1.2 Why is it good to eat legumes?
- 1.3 Proteins from legumes and vegetarian diet
- 1.4 Disadvantages of legumes as a source of vegetable protein
- 1.5 Benefits of legumes proteins
- 1.6 Legumes as a source of carbohydrates
- 1.7 Legumes are rich in fiber
- 1.8 Legumes are rich in vitamins and minerals
- 1.9 Legumes, rich in magnesium
- 1.10 Advantages and disadvantages of eating legumes
- 1.11 Nutritional composition of legumes
Nutritional benefits of legumes
Why is it good to eat legumes?
Legumes are an ideal food for any diet, especially for vegetarians who do not eat meat, because they contain a lot of protein. In India, where a large community of people practice vegetarianism, lentils are a staple, along with peas and chickpeas.
In addition to protein, legumes provide carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins and are rich in minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron.
Proteins from legumes and vegetarian diet
Lentils contain approximately 25% and 30% protein, which places it in second place after soybean protein whose values move between 36 and 38%.
Peanuts or fava beans are also very rich in this component.
Soybeans outperforms other vegetables for its richness in protein and its full range of essential amino acids.
This implies that soy can replace animal meat or milk, so it is a especially recommended food for those who choose to adopt a vegetarian diet or decide to abandon some of the meat in their diet.
250 grams of soy provide 30% of the amount of protein that is recommended daily.
Soya derivatives contain a higher proportions of proteins. Among them tofu takes advantage with up to 65% of its content in proteins.
We can buy legumes previously cooked, which gives us more time to prepare them. We have to avoid buying to much salted ones.
Disadvantages of legumes as a source of vegetable protein
It should be noted that proteins from legumes are lower quality than animal protein because they have deficiencies in amino acids methionine and cysteine. (The organism can produce cysteine from methionine).
However, the combination of this food group with other foods, such as cereals or seeds rich in the missing amino acids, provides very healthy proteins.
Furthermore the combination of legumes and cereals allows to provide the amino acid lysine, which is abundant in legumes and rather lacking in cereals. Among legumes, soybeans are the food containing the most balanced amino acid composition.
Benefits of legumes proteins
The advantage of proteins from legumes compared to certain proteins from meats like pork is its richness in amino acids with an easier digestion.
The wealth of proteins and nucleic acids of pulses is considered as a natural antidote to aging, to be able to renew the cells of our body. It is considered that the health of hair, skin, nails, muscle strength, and overall vitality, both physical and mental, are enhanced by the consumption of foods rich in these components.
Moreover, it is good to consider that legumes provide protein without the disadvantages of meat, which are rich in saturated fat and cholesterol. In addition, meat may be contaminated with hormones, pesticides or residues of drugs, according to the way the animal has been fed.
In this sense, a varied consumption of vegetables, combined with other plant foods such as cereals and vegetables, is a good alternative to animal protein consumption. The traditional cuisine uses this advice to provide very natural and nutritious preparations, such as rice with lentils, or hummus (chickpea paste with sesame), and other traditional dishes.
Legumes as a source of carbohydrates
Legumes are rich in complex carbohydrates. Its high content of this component provides similar energy to that one of cereals, although with much more proteins.
Beans are rich in carbohydrates and within the different varieties of beans we will stand out red beans. Lentils, chickpeas and dry peas also contain high amounts of this component. Green beans, fresh peas and soybeans contain much smaller amounts.
In general, pulses, are characterized by their ability to pour glucose gradually into the bloodstream. This is obtained by metabolizing carbohydrates.
Legumes are rich in fiber
Legumes are rich in fiber, both soluble and insoluble fiber. We know how important fiber is to physical health:
It was found that ingestion of foods rich in soluble fiber reduces cholesterol levels up to 10%. Among the main foods rich in soluble fiber we have the green beans and dry beans.
In addition to controlling cholesterol, fiber is also necessary to avoid constipation. Beans are high in mucilage, a soluble fiber. 100g of this food provide 20% of daily fiber needs.
It has been shown that regular intake of these foods may help prevent some cancers. Through food, besides eating healthy principles, our body also eats a lot of toxins, from the whole process of production and food preservation (see Food poisoning)
Removing promptly all these toxins before they are reabsorbed by the body itself or accumulated in the gut is a good way to prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Studies have shown that people who do a diet rich in fiber are less likely to suffer from colon, breast and lung cancer.
Legumes are rich in vitamins and minerals
Lentils, chickpeas and peas are rich in B vitamins, which, as we know, are appropriate vitamins for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Among all of them, it is worth to highlight niacin or vitamin B3, along with thiamin, pyridoxine and riboflavin, in order to help keeping the nervous system healthy.
The legumes dishes are an important source of protein, vitamins and minerals. They are also very cheap and easy to prepare. In the photo, a preparation of chickpeas.
Legumes contain high amounts of folate, which the body converts folic acid (vitamin B9), and whose deficiencies are responsible for the appearance of symptoms of depression or moodiness. Lentils are the richest legumes in this vitamin
Green beans are especially rich in vitamin C. Eating 100g of this food covers 20% of daily needs. The functions of this vitamin are very numerous, but a major one is its ability to neutralize free radicals. This antioxidant helps the body to eliminate the negative effects of free radicals, preventing cell aging and the onset of many degenerative diseases. Along with beans, alfalfa sprouts also a good source of vitamin C.
In addition, green beans are rich in vitamin A, in the form of beta carotene. Vitamin A is another antioxidant very important that plays a key role in the health of the skin, eyes or control the development of cancerous cells.
Legumes are rich in minerals, especially iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Lentils, despite his fame, are not the richest food in iron (it has less than beans, chickpeas or soybeans).
We know the importance of iron in the prevention of diseases such as anemia. This food is very interesting also for women who are prone to very heavy periods, for people who usually suffer nosebleeds. Lately it has been found that women who have low levels of this mineral tend to suffer more vaginal infections.
Legumes are rich in calcium. Among them, soybeans are very near to cow’s milk content, so they can bring all the properties of this mineral (see details).
At the same time, legumes are particularly suitable for those who can not tolerate milk well or can not drink it, because they have lactose intolerance. Legumes do not posses lactose. Legumes can be very important for people who have osteoporosis, especially postmenopausal women and older men.
Legumes also have enough phosphorus, a mineral that is very important for the body as it contributes to the formation of bone after calcium and it is involved in the formation of many enzymes, besides being important for the health of nerves and brain function. Beans, lentils and beans are the richest in this mineral. (See calcium content of legumes)
Legumes, rich in magnesium
Considering the content of magnesium in legumes, peas and lentils are those containing more. We know how important this mineral is in the formation of bone and how it contributes to the health of our circulatory system. It thins the blood, preventing thrombus or heart attacks, and controlling blood pressure.
No less important is the mineral in the body’s metabolism. (By activating certain enzymes, it is involved in basic bodily functions, including, for example, protein synthesis, metabolism of carbohydrates, the formation of DNA)
Advantages and disadvantages of eating legumes
When eaten properly, legumes are a very suitable food. No other food contains such a high percentage of protein with as little fat. At the same time, they provide lots of fiber and plenty of vitamins and minerals. They are also a food with a very cheap price.
For its high content of carbohydrates, they are especially suitable for persons performing heavy physical activity. Still, they must be properly prepared (see “How to cook legumes ” in the listing below). They must also be eaten moderately. For the same reason, obese people and persons performing sedentary work MUST take them in controlled amounts.
Nutritional composition of legumes
The following table shows the composition of pulses per 100 grams. (Click on the image to enlarge)
More information on legumes.