Benefits of legumes

Why is it good to eat legumes?

Legumes for obesity

When we eat legumes, glucose is being added into the bloodstream slowly. The high fiber content of pulses regulates the absorption of their carbohydrates content. This control of blood sugar is very interesting for two main reasons:

First, because they keep the feeling of fullness for a long time. Unlike other foods that cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, forcing the body to burn a lot of sugar in a short time, legumes keep these levels very stable, which determines the body can be full for long.

They are ideal for feeding children, so they can have enough energy in their games, in feeding the people doing some exercise or simply in all people who want to keep satisfied, without feeling hungry after a while of having eaten.

This advantage would justify the routine use of legumes for human consumption, and would face up the view that legumes are fattening. Instead, legumes could be satisfying. By means of eating pulses, we can avoid to eat other “empty food” that would provide only a momentary satiety. Legumes are perfect when you want to lose weight.

Keep in mind that legumes contain very little fat. Rationed properly, legumes “are not fattening ” and what makes you fat is the rest of food you accompany legumes with or if you abuse them. The ideal rule would be to consume them habitually and moderately, almost sparingly in case of obesity.

* Related information:

Legumes makes us fat?

How much legumes a day?

Legumes for diabetes

Chickpea dish with spinach

Chickpea dish with spinach. Fiber helps control the digestion of carbohydrates and makes it suitable for diabetes.

The wealth in carbohydrates and fiber of legumes is also interesting because it keeps the sugar levels very stable. This is very interesting for people who have diabetes and need to control the levels of blood sugar. The consumption of this food may make them less dependent on the supply of insulin.

It is said that people with diabetes should not abuse legumes as their carbohydrate content is very high. However, it has been found that the absorption of sugars of pulses is performed in a slow manner, so that, eaten them wisely, they are suitable in diabetes diet.

Anyway, if you still distrust these foods, you can mix legumes with other vegetables, such as spinach, so the absorption of carbohydrates can be controlled better.

Pulses for the brain and intellect

Moreover, we must not forget that sugar is necessary to feed the brain and nerves, so legumes are very interesting not only for people who must make great efforts to provide abundant physical energy, but for students and persons that need to be able to feed the brain properly.

Besides being a source of energy, legumes are high in choline and lecithin, essential nutrients for the formation of neurotransmitters. They are also a good supply of magnesium and vitamin B.

Legumes for cardiovascular health

It has been found that the inclusion of any type of legume in the diet helps prevent heart disease. Proteins, phytates and fiber in this group of foods help lower cholesterol and protect the body against cardiovascular disease.

Contraindications and toxicity of legumes

Some people have the stomach too delicate or lacking the necessary enzymes to make a proper digestion of this food group. When these people eat legumes, they cause them many problems of indigestion or flatulence so they should refrain from eating. Also people having arthritis or gout should not eat legumes as excessive protein promotes increased uric acid.

In some cases, the inappropriate use of these foods has been causing strong intoxications or have been cases of allergies. Therefore, one should be properly aware about the digestive problems or toxicity that legumes can cause. (More information on this topic in “Problems with legumes“)

punto rojo More information on legumes

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

20 August, 2024

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