How to beat egg whites correctly
Ingredients and utensils
- 1 egg
- Salt
- One tool to beat: fork, whisk, electric mixer, etc..
Method of beating an egg white
Eggwhite surrounding the egg yolk. It must be put apart before beating it.
- Crack an egg in half, hitting it against the edge of a plate..
- Open the egg through the crack separating the two sides as the egg white is dropped on a tray beneath it.
- To clear all the white and leave the yolk aside, pass the egg yolk from half the egg shell to the other half, while we leave the egg white to fall on the plate.
- Add a little salt. (Salt will make it smoother)
- With the help of an instrument to beat, beat the eggs. To do this, go removing them from the bottom to the top in a broad fast movement, circular and rhythmic.
How do we know an egg white is well beaten
As we go on beating the egg white, we let air go into it, so that it becomes more dense and compact.
We will know that the egg white is already well beaten because you can pick a piece of it without crambling it. .
It is said that is ready when it ” forms stiff peaks”. In Spanish, this correct texture for the egg white to be well beaten is called ” A punto de nieve” (= similar to snow falling texture) It is so called because it is a type of texture that resembles freshly fallen snow: white and frothy.
We also can test to see if it is well beaten if we take a spoonful of it and, if it stands firm, it is well done.
What do we use whipped egg whites for?
Whipped egg whites have many utilities. They can be used to make meringues, chocolate mousse, tarts, tiramisu, etc..
Related information:
– Egg yolk
More information about eggs.