The worst food for heart

Foods we should not eat or eat with caution for heart care


The following table lists some foods that should be avoided or reduced in consumption to maintain a healthy heart and prevent the emergence of heart disease:

Foods that should not be eaten or be eaten with caution.ReasonsFoods in this group
Foods with saturated fatsThey promote obesity and increase cholesterol. Red meat fat, lard, organ meats (liver, kidney, brain..) bacon, cured ham, sausages. . Seafood (shrimp, crabs, barnacles…) . Eggs and pastries made with eggs. . Whole milk and skimmed derivatives (cheese, butter, yogurt, custard, cream, cream) cookies, cakes . Unsaturated vegetable oils (coconut, palm, cottonseed) and vegetable fats and margarines. . Alcohol (although a little alcohol is good for reducing cholesterol levels, an excess becomes saturated fat. In addition, the alcohol promotes hypertension is harmful to heart health)
Salty foodsThey favor hypertension. Cured meat foods (salami, cured ham, dried tuna, bacon, hamburgers, canned meat…) . Salted fish (salted sardines, cod, anchovies, eels..) . Seeds and salted nuts (peanuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios, cashews…) . Salted bread . Canned vegetables (beans, peas, lentils, mashed potatoes, fried tomato, beetroot in vinegar, pickled carrots, corn…) . Plant or animal products, fried and salted (potato chips, pork scratchings, fritters…) . Canned fish with salt, including blue, (sardines, anchovies, tuna, mackerel, octopus…)
Foods rich in refined sugarsThey favor obesity and cholesterol. Baked goods and desserts (cakes, pies…) . Food pastries (muffins, cookies, packaged sandwiches,…) . Candies. . Chocolate. Sweetened beverages (soft drinks, colas, nectar..)
CaffeineIt favors hypertension and appearance of cardiac arrhythmias. Boiled coffee or that prepared in an electric coffee machine

(Not the coffee prepared with paper filter or decaffeinated coffee, from which we can drink up to 6 cups) . Cola or cola-containing beverages. . The tea (both green and black) is a good antioxidant that can prevent the onset of heart disease, but it is not advisable to use in patients who already have heart problems.

AlcoholPromotes hypertension. Alcohol (although a little alcohol is good for reducing cholesterol levels, an excess becomes saturated fat. In addition, the alcohol promotes hypertension is harmful to heart health)

punto rojoMore information on the heart its natural treatment.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 March, 2025

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