How much fruit should be eaten per day?
Why is it good to eat fruit?
Vegetables and fruits should be part of our diet in abundance. They are a group of basic foods, which provide us with a large amount of nutrients and fiber.
Fruits stand out because they contain sugar, soluble fiber, potassium, calcium and many antioxidant components, including vitamin C and flavonoids.
A diet rich in vegetable fiber improves intestinal transit, helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body, in addition to preventing constipation, improve the intestinal flora (and the assimilation of carbohydrates), and prevent diseases such as hemorrhoids or certain types of cancer.
The large amount of antioxidant vitamins contained in fruits helps us to maintain our health …
* More information: Importance of fruits
For adult people the daily fruit rations should be the following:
Apple is an excellent fruit for the digestive system due to its pectin content.
A serving of fruit is a medium piece of 120 to 200 grams, 2 tangerines or a bowl of cherries or strawberries, 2 slices of melon
It is recommended to take the whole fruit and not in juice, because, in this way, their nutrients are better assimilated and their properties are greater, due to the benefits of fiber (better absorption of sugar, beneficial effect for the digestive system, etc.).
- A serving of natural fruit juice is a 150 ml glass.
The industrial juices found on supermarket shelves do not have vitamins. They have undergone a thermal process for their preservation and do not contain the natural vitamins of the fruit.
Approximate portions of fruit for boys or girls
- For children under 6 years old, 75 g per serving
- For boys or girls between 6 and 8 years old, 75 g per serving
- For boys or girls between 8 and 11 years old, 100 g per serving
- For children 12 years old or older, 100 g per serving
Recipes with fruits
The fruit can be eaten alone, raw or cooked:
Occasionally we can serve them with a little black cocoa, agave syrup, grated coconut, etc.
How many servings of vegetables should we eat daily?
As a general recommendation, the norm is 5 fruits + vegetables a day.
This means eating a day: 3 fruits + 1 salad + 1 vegetable dish = 5 servings.
Another example: 2 fruits + 1 large salad (carrot, tomatoes, lettuce, avocado, ..) + 1 vegetable puree = 5 servings.
Characteristics of nutrients
More information on nutrition.