Foods rich in vitamin K

List of foods rich in vitamin K

What foods contain a lot of vitamin K?

Among foods with vitamin K we will highlight:

Foods of animal origin with vitamin k:

  • The amounts of vitamin K in meats is very low except for the liver and egg yolk.
  • The content of vitamin K in milk or derivatives (yogurts, cheeses, etc.) is much lower.

How to know which vegetables are rich in vitamin K ?

Dark green leafy vegetables, such as chard or spinach, are the foods that contain the most vitamin K

Vegetarian food rich in vitamin K

Chard is the richest vegetable in vitamin K after curly cabbages

The richest are the following vegetables:

– Other vegetables that contain enough quantity are:

– Vegetable oils, mainly:

– Fruits, mainly:

– Grains and seeds, mainly

* Related information: Diet for hemorrhages

punto rojo More information on vitamin K

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 June, 2024

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