Herbal treatment for food poisoning
Characteristics of food poisoning
Food poisoning or food infection is a poisoning caused by chemicals, pathogenic microorganisms or parasites in food or toxins that certain animals or plants develop on food.
The degree of intoxication depends on the type of organisms ingested, the amount ingested and the conditions of the person who eats.
These poisonings are often higher in children, aging people and people with very little defenses.
Pregnant women are also a very sensitive by the degree of contagion and the possibility that intoxication causes serious harm to the fetus.
Symptoms of food poisoning

Symptoms may vary depending on the type of poison involved, but in general, they are the following:
- Symptoms that may affect the gastrointestinal tract:
- vomiting
- diarrhea (sometimes bloody)
- loss of appetite
- stomach pain.
- Symptoms that may affect the nervous system:
- muscle weakness
- numbness in certain parts of the body
- muscle pain
- difficulty in movement
- slurred speech.
- Symptoms that appear on the skin:
- skin rashes
- pimples
- bluish color, etc
Causes of food poisoning
The main causes of food poisoning are:
- Poor hygiene: Poor hygiene when handling food is one of the leading causes of food contamination leading to infection. The following tips are very useful to avoid it
- Choose realiable foods: We must choose foods from a reliable source that have been packaged properly.
- Discard those foods from places with poor hygiene, poor packaging, or poorly presented for sale, that’s to say, without sufficient protection against external contamination.
- Handle your food properly: Proper hygiene involves the proper handling by the consumer. It is important to wash hands with soap and water before handling food and before sitting at the table to eat.
- Equally important is a good hygiene and disinfection of eating and cooking utensils to remove any microorganisms.
- Wash your vegetables abundantly: It is important to wash vegetables properly to avoid infection. Leaving them a few moments in the water with few drops of bleach or disinfectant could prevent many infections
- Incorrect cold chain: Maintaining a suitable temperature from the production, distribution and storage of food is necessary to prevent the growth of microorganisms.
Most bacteria can not grow when the temperature is below 5 º C. They usually develop between 7 and 65 º C)
Thawing food before cooking in some of the earlier steps may be the environment where they develop.
- Improper use of heat: Heat is an essential resource to kill microorganisms. (Most bacteria are killed above 74 º C)
Eating raw foods, inadequately cooked or reheated with an insufficient temperature may be responsible for many foodborne illnesses.
More information on poisonings and their natural treatment .
Related information: Poisoning by plants.