Nutritional benefits of dry apricots
Properties of dried apricots
We can say that the dried apricots (“orejones“) offer a higher concentration of vitamins, minerals and nutrients than regular dried fruits. In the case of apricots, as shown in the table below, there is a dramatic increase in vitamins and minerals.
Especially remarkable is the increase of vitamin A as beta carotene.
We can say that the properties already mentioned for tender apricots are increased in the dried apricots (See the link “tender apricots” in the listing below).
Surely a handful of dried apricots can be an alternative to swallowing pills of vitamin A or beta carotene.
Equally interesting is its iron content, which must be used by those who have pale skin because of their low level of this mineral.
The apricots are a good medicine for the treatment and prevention of anemia.
Dried apricots contain lot of potassium
Another amazing feature is their content of potassium. This is especially interesting for people who have problems with hypertension or who have circulatory problems because of the influence of sodium.
This richness in potassium will thwart the sodium, will facilitate the expulsion of fluid from the body and improve circulation.
A fruit with a lot of energy
Dried apricots are rich in carbohydrates. This gives them great power energy, capable of providing a lot of calories with very little weight. In fact, for this reason, it is one of the fruits used by athletes and hikers.
They have been included in the diet of astronauts for this reason and also because of its richness in vitamins and minerals.
The dried apricots are a good resource for eating at that time between meals when you are hungry and want to discard other foods that make you fat without providing you with so many vitamins and minerals as dried apricots do.
Ideal for children as a food source to avoid the “goodies” or for adults who do not want to resort to sweets. Be cautious if overweight or if you want to lose weight since the energetic power of the dried apricots is very high.
A tonic for the nervous system
The high content of niacin or vitamin B3 of the dried apricots determines that this fruit may be considered an “authentic natural medicine” for the nervous system. Small deficiencies of niacin can manifest as nervous system disorders such as nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability and, in more serious cases, in the form of dementia.
The lack of this vitamin can cause weakness, general discomfort, lack of interest and general indiscriminate pain.
Summary sheet of the properties of dried apricots. They can be a perfect “natural” candy for children.
Related information: Nutritional value of dried apricots
More information on apricots