Cottonseed oil benefits

What is cotton oil good for?

cottonseed oil
Cottonseed oil is a great source of vitamin E and Omega-6

This oil is a great source of linoleic acid, Omega-6, and therefore, being polyunsaturated, it will protect us against coronary, vascular, and arteriosclerosis affections.

Useful for the central nervous system, it can be beneficial for people with neuropathies such as Alzheimer’s or multiple sclerosis, among others.

In addition, it can also be useful in case of suffering candidiasis, due to its lubricating and repairing effect on tissues or irritations, and for or other intestinal problems that need a greater care of the digestive mucosa.

Cottonseed oil is a great source of vitamin E, due to its high content of tocopherols, because, just with  2 tablespoons, it provides the recommended daily amount of this vitamin, as long as it is consumed raw.

If  subjected to high cooking temperatures, its antioxidant content will decrease due to the loss of vitamin E, due to the fact that it will be volatilized by the application of heat.

We must bear in mind that, the higher the concentrations of this vitamin, the more easily it will contribute to a good conservation of the oil and will prevent it from becoming prematurely rancid.

For this reason, an oil in raw form has a much greater conservation, than an oil to which temperature has already been applied when used for culinary elaborations, which becomes much more rancid.

Cottonseed oil cooking values

Due to its neutral flavor, it does not interfere  or  does not add  changes in the flavors of foods made or cooked with, nor  changes the taste of the food that has been cooked in it. Therefore, it can be reused without crossing flavors from different elaborations, which have been carried out with the same oil.

Disadvantages of cottonseed oil

When pressed, it contains a toxic substance called gossypol, which gives the oil a pungent and very strong flavor.

By refining and deodorizing it, this substance is completely eliminated, obtaining a product completely suitable and safe for food and human consumption.

It  should never be consumed if it has not passed these food safety processes, because it would be toxic.

punto rojo More information on cottonseed oil

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

13 March, 2025

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