Flax seeds and prunes for constipation and hemorrhoids
Flax seeds and prunes soaked for going to the bathroom
A traditional remedy against constipation consists of a natural laxative based on hydrated soluble fiber, to achieve bulky and well-formed stools, which stimulate intestinal transit and are easy to evacuate:
The ingredients are:
- Flax seeds: They contain a high proportion of soluble fiber that increases fecal volume and hydration of feces. They can also be substituted for chia seeds. Both seeds also provide a lot of omega 3.
- Prunes: You eat the plums soaked overnight, chewing them well, and you also drink the water of this preparation. It is an authentic natural remedy to cure constipation and hemorrhoids.
- Important: It is advisable to ingest a couple of liters of water per day. Water is necessary for the fiber to act properly. It helps soften the stools and favors their expulsion.
Home remedy for constipation, ingredients
- 1 tablespoon flax seeds
- 2-3 dried plums
- 1 glass of water
All the ingredients are stirred well so that the seeds are soaked in water and not compacted. It is left to soak overnight and is taken the next day; the well-chewed plums and seeds, plus the liquid (which will also contain soluble fiber and principles).
More information on constipation
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.