Properties of yellow and orange color in food

Benefits of yellow food for diabetes


Orange and yellow colors for skin


Photo of carrots

Orange and yellow food group meets the fruits and vegetables most consumed in the diet. Orange foods are a group of naturally sweet vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, squash and corn.

All these foods have in common is high beta carotene and carbohydrates content. The carotenoids are a class of flavonoids that are converted in the body into vitamin A, with antioxidant, anticancer and skin protective properties.

Fruits of the same color, such as papaya, mango and oranges are also very rich in vitamin C, involved in the formation of collagen, which provides elasticity to the skin and maintains the health of joints and bones.

Effects of yellow color food

In traditional Chinese medicine these colors were associated with the stomach and spleen, the sweetness and the end of summer season (when grain fields, are yellow to be harvested).


Photo of lemons

Indeed, foods rich in carotenoids and carbohydrates benefit the stomach because they help protect digestive membranes, as in the case of gastritis, heartburn, reflux and digestive ulcers.

Because these foods are potent antioxidants and sources of energy, they are useful for people with high physical performance, as athletes, children, youth and people with stress.

For its carbohydrate content these color foods must be tempered in people with diabetes. Also in this group we find natural remedies for diabetes, such as cinnamon and fenugreek.

These foods should enhance those who want to improve the appearance of skin, scars, people with psoriasis, stretch marks, if people with albinism and joint and bone problems, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Main yellow of orange color foods list


ApricotBuckwheatAmaranthOatsSweet potatoPersimmonSquashCinnamonCarambolaRyeCerealsPlumsTurmericCurryDurianFenugreekSaint John’s wortKumquatsLemonMaizeTangerinesMangoPeachMelonPassion flower fruitMilletOrangesNectarinesloquatPapayaPotatoesPineappleSunflower seedsBananasPollenSoySorghumWheat – Triticale – CassavaCarrots

More information on the different properties of colors in food.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 February, 2022

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.