Effects of drinking too much caffeine
Coffea Arabica L
Scientific noun: Coffea arabica L., Coffea canephora Pierre, etc.
Family: Rubiaceae
Habitat: Arabia, warm regions of Africa and America,specially Brasil.
Alkaloids: caffeine
Active parts
The leaves and the seeds, specially the first ones.
Uses of coffee plant
- Its green leaves are febrifuge and anti-rheumatic.
- Its roasted seeds are used to make coffee.

Effects of caffeine
- Excitant
- Tonic
Side effects of caffeine
Doses above 400 mg daily can be harmful.
Keep in mind that many drinks and drugs contain this principle. Therefore, we must add all of them to calculate the total intake of caffeine.
Consequences of taking too much caffeine
A too high intake of this component can cause physical problems, such as:
- Digestive problems with heartburn, stomach ache , irritable bowel, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, etc..
- Nervousness
- Insomnia
- Tachycardia or irregular heart rate
- Ringing in the ears.
- Tremors
- Muscle spasms.

Coffee is a stimulant beverage which may be addictive, so we must be prudent in their use.
A moderate use is beneficial for its antioxidant properties as well as people who need “speed up their metabolism“ (people with hypotension, people who need to ” burn more fat”) so sometimes is recommended in diets for losing weight,.
However, we should moderate their consumption in general and it should be avoided in people for whom caffeine ingestion can be harmful:
Who should not eat products containing caffeine?
The ingestion of caffeine may be counterproductive in many diseases, so, if you are suffering from some disease, you should consult with your doctor whether to take caffeine. People who have the following problems should not take caffeine:
- Ulcer
- Hypertension
- Arrhythmias
- Heart attack
- Insomnia.
- Restless legs syndrome.
- Anxiety, or stress
- Dementia.
- Premenstrual syndrome.
- Liver problems.
- Gastric reflux.
- Flatulence.
- Stomach ache.
- Diverticulitis.
- Diverticulosis.
- Osteoporosis.
- Glaucoma.
- Urinary incontinence.
More information about ” Properties of caffeine“
More information about natural medicin