How to reduce the cholesterol ingestion from eggs

Eat scrambled eggs with vegetables


What are scrambled eggs?

Scrambled is a simple and easy to prepare dish that accepts many variations.

Dietetically we treat it as a protein dish, because the egg provides us with good quality proteins.

Are scrambled eggs rich in cholesterol?

Eggs are very rich in cholesterol, because, only 1 yolk contains 200 mg. of cholesterol (the daily limit is 300 mg.). For this reason, it is very convenient that vegetarians with cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, or bad circulation remove the yolk from the egg and prepare the dish only with the egg white.

However, despite its “bad reputation”, the egg yolk contains nutrients that are also important for health. Among others, it is rich in lecithin, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin K, which help the brain to function properly, improve vision problems, strengthen the bones and coagulate the blood, respectively.

How to diminish the egg cholesterol with vegetable fiber

Because the yolk is rich in cholesterol, to balance this recipe we must take it with some vegetable food, such as zucchini, onion, spinach, accompany a low-fat salad, etc. The fiber in these foods will help balance the diet.

In some regions of the world it is customary to take scrambled eggs for breakfast. One variant is to make the scrambled eggs with tomato and onion or also, in non-vegetarian diets, there are people who mix it with meat (ham, bacon, etc.). In general, it is not recommended to cook it with sausages, or foods rich in fats.

Because of the calories it gives us, scrambled is more appropriate at lunch and at breakfast, as it will help our brain work better during the day. At night, it is convenient to take it with only 1 yolk or without yolk (The yolk contributes many calories due to its fat content).

Scrambled eggs properties

In short, this dish is very suitable to provide quality protein in any balanced diet.

You have to be careful not to take more than 5 eggs a week. If this amount is reached, remove the yolk and take only the egg white the rest of the week. Another option is to opt for protein sources without fats, such as tofu.


scrambled eggs with vegetables

Presentation of the recipe.

Ingredients for scrambled eggs with vegetables

How to prepare scrambled eggs

  • Cut the onion and zucchini into cubes.
  • In a pan, fry the onion with a little olive oil and salt.
  • Beat the eggs.
  • Add the zucchini to the pan and stir.
  • Cover 2 minutes and cook over medium heat so that it does not burn.
  • Uncover, add the beaten eggs and stir continuously to mix all the ingredients.

How to serve scrambled eggs

Serve as a main course, or main course with a salad and some bread to accompany.

punto rojoMore recipes and information on eggs.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

29 September, 2022

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