Chickpeas to avoid the desire to eat

Chickpea as a remedy when craving for food


Eating chickpeas on weight loss diets

Boiled chickpeas are a very satiating food that is being recommended when snacking for people with anxiety problems with food and problems to lose weight.

This legume is a delicious and much healthier alternative than other options such as light products, snacks and any kind of sweet or soda.

In addition to keeping us satiated, it helps to replace and eliminate the processed products of our food. Eliminating products with added sugars, fats or flours will help prevent us from regaining lost weight during a diet.

Do chickpeas contain too many calories?

Many people think that chickpeas make us fat because they have carbohydrates, but the fact is that their high fiber content and nutritional value make them very suitable foods for obesity.

canned chickpeas

Photo of canned chickpeas

Why is it recommended to eat chickpeas between the hours?

Eating boiled chickpeas instead of any other snack is highly recommended. It is a food that requires chewing and contains a lot of fiber, which contributes satiety.

It takes much longer to eat a handful of cooked chickpeas than to ingest the same amount of other snacks, treats, or sodas. This makes boiled chickpeas a much healthier alternative to all these products, which are often consumed as “entertainment” during the viewing of a movie, computer, or television.

In addition, the person who consumes boiled chickpeas will benefit from their nutritional properties, among them the high content of folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium and zinc.

Comparison of calories from chickpeas and other snacks

It is a good choice to substitute pizzas, hamburgers, sausages (or other processed meats) and fast-foods for natural options like chickpeas:

nutritional properties boiled chickpeasporpcorn nutritional propertiespizza nutritional properties
Nutritional value of boiled chickpeas, pizza and popcorn. Different snack options that are often consumed, for example, during the viewing of a movie. Natural foods are always the best option.

Advantages of chickpeas compared to other snacks to lose weight

Eating boiled chickpeas, or other natural alternatives such as whole fruits (not juices or juices), carrots, cucumbers or other vegetables, is always a much healthier option than any processed product, even if it is light or reduced in calories.

Processed products produce addiction because they are too tasty. In contrast, natural foods do not contain added sugars, flours, flavor enhancers or sweeteners that produce food addiction.

punto rojo More information on chickpeas

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

25 June, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.