Nutritional composition of chard

What nutrients, vitamins and minerals does chard provide us?

Swiss chard is a very interesting dietary source of:

  • Fiber, to capture cholesterol.
  • Beta carotenes and chlorophyll (antioxidants and depurative)
  • Vitamin A (for the eyes), vitamin K (for bones), folic acid (for pregnancy, for high homocysteine)
  • Magnesium, iron, potassium (for the heart)
  • Benefits of Swiss chard as a source of fiber

Benefits of Swiss chard as a source of fiber

Swiss chard
Swiss chard photo

Chard is a high-fiber vegetable

Chard is rich in soluble fiber in the form of mucilage. This type of fiber is extremely interesting for the maintenance of health. In addition to promoting intestinal transit and prevent constipation, this component is very important in the prevention of cholesterol and purification of the toxic elements of the intestine, which could be responsible for intestinal diseases or the development of other diseases such as cancer.

Soluble fiber acts by “catching” the toxins in a gelatinous mass that makes the intestinal absorption of these hazardous substances and facilitates their expulsion to the outside through the feces.

Do not forget the importance of fiber in the prevention of intestinal putrefaction, responsible for such unpleasant anomalies such as excess of gas, intestinal fermentations or belly pain.

A regularized bowel function, which avoids constipation, is very important in the prevention or treatment of hemorrhoids. Softer feces allow their passage easily, so people with hemorrhoids will not feel so much pain. A soft consistency of feces is more appropriate to prevent this disease.

Chard composition table

Composition of chard per 100 gr.
Water92, 6 g
Energy19 kcal
Fat0,20 g
Protein1,80 g
Carbohydrates3, 74 g
Fiber1,6 g
Potassium379 mg
Phosphorus46 mg
Iron1, 80 mg
Sodium213 mg
Magnesium81 mg
Calcium51 mg
Copper0, 179 mg
Zinc0, 36 mg
Manganese0, 366 mcg
Vitamin C30 mg
Vitamin A3300 UI
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0,040 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0, 090 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)0, 400 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)0, 099 mg
Vitamin E1, 89 mg
Folic acid14 mcg

punto rojo More information on chard

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

8 July, 2024

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