Curcuma longa recipes
Properties of cauliflower au gratin
Cauliflower are members of the cabbage family, such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc.
They are rich in purifying components, among them vitamin C, cysteine, carotenes, anthocyanins, chlorophyll, glutathione transferase and quinone reductase enzymes as well as glucosinolates and isothiocyanates – primarily sulforraphane and isothiocyanates.
Nutritional benefits of cauliflower au gratin
Because of the mentioned antioxidant compounds, this recipe protects us against free radicals and the diseases they produce.
It seems that the most important elements are sulfur compounds, particularly sinigrin, which the body converts to anticancer compounds called isothiocyanates.
These vegetables are involved in preventing certain types of cancers, such as digestive cancers, colon, prostate and breast cancer.
It is usually recommended to take cruciferous vegetables in the diet for prevention of these diseases.

Other advantages of cauliflower au gratin
Turmeric brings our dishes, in addition to color, the benefits of curcuminoids to improve digestion, prevent stomach pain and liver.
Onions are rich in sulfur compounds with diuretic properties and to improve circulation.
Olive oil provides healthy fats omega 9. cream and coconut milk is rich in saturated fats and is not recommended for people with high cholesterol.
Ingredients of cauliflower au gratin
- Cauliflower
- Cream milk or coconut milk
- Onion
- Turmeric powder
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Cheese (optional)
Preparation of cauliflower au gratin
- Cook the cauliflower steamed for about 10 minutes.
- Prepare a fried onion with olive oil and a pinch of salt over medium heat (about 8 minutes).
- When the onion is poached, add coconut milk (or cream) and two tablespoons of turmeric powder. Stir well to mix the ingredients.
- Place cauliflower in a baking dish and cover with the sauce we have prepared.
- Grate in the oven for 10 minutes at 180C.
More information about turmeric recipes and properties.