Cashew composition


Calories in cashews

50% of the composition of cashew nuts is made of fat, and fat has more than twice the calories than proteins or carbohydrates, so cashews are highly caloric. If cashews were predominantly rich in protein or carbohydrates, calorie level would be less than half what it is.

Do cashews make you fat?

As highly caloric food, cashews, when eaten in inadequate amounts or with other high-calorie foods, can cause weight gain. This is not an excuse for cashews being a nut recommended for people who want to lose weight. Because of their nature, cashews produce a great satiety.

Cashew makes you feel satisfied

Appropriate use of cashew in the diet of the person who wants to lose weight can help to diminish craving for food and reduce the need to snack between meals.

One portion (20 gramos) of cashew nuts contains 115 calories (kcal). See the complete nutritional facts in the table above:

NutrientsCashew nuts composition per 100gCashew nuts composition per PORTION (20g)
Water (g)1.70.34
Energy (kcal)574alto114.8
Carbohydrates (g)32.76.5
Proteins (g)15.33.1
Fats (g)46.4alto9.3
PFA* (g)7.81.6
MFA* (g)27
SFA* (g)92
Fiber (g)30.6
Calcium (mg)459
Iron (mg)61.2
Magnesium (mg)260alto52
Phosphorus (mg)490alto98
Potassium (mg)565alto113
Sodium (mg)163.2
Zinc (mg)5.61.12
Copper (mg)2.220.44
Manganese (mg)0.830.17
Selenium (mcg)11.72.34
Vitamin C (mg)00
Thiamin (vitamina B1) (mg)0.20.04
Riboflavin (vit. B2) (mg)0.20.04
Niacin (vit B3) (mg)1.40.28
Pantothenic acid (vit B5) (mg)1.220.24
Pyridoxine (vit B6) (mg)0.260.051
Folic acid (vit B9) (mg)69alto13.8
Vitamin A (mcg)00
Vitamin E (mg eq. alfa-tocoferol)0.570.11
Phytosterols (mg)158alto31.6

Nutritional composition of fried cashew nuts

NutrientsFried cashew nuts composition per 100g (no added salt)Fried cashew nuts composition per PORTION (20g) (no added salt)
Water (g)3.913.91
Energy (kcal)576alto576alto
Carbohydrates (g)16.1516.15
Proteins (g)48.21alto48.21alto
Fats (g)8.1528.152
PFA* (g)28.415
MFA* (g)9.526
SFA* (g)28.5228.52
Fiber (g)3.83.8
Calcium (mg)4141
Iron (mg)4.14.1
Magnesium (mg)255alto255alto
Phosphorus (mg)426alto426alto
Potassium (mg)530alto530alto
Sodium (mg)17626exceso
Zinc (mg)4.754.75
Cupper (mg)2.172.17
Manganesium (mg)0.8070.807
Selenium (mcg)11.411.4
Vitamin C (mg)00
Tiamin (vitamina B1) (mg)0.4240.424
Riboflavin (vit. B2) (mg)0.1750.175
Niacin (vit B3) (mg)1.81.8
Pantothenic acid (vit B5) (mg)1.191.19
Piridoxine (vit B6) (mg)0.250.25
Folic acid (vit B9) (mg)6868
Vitamin A (mcg)00
Vitamin E (mg eq. alfa-tocoferol)1.561.56
Phytosterols (mg)

Nutritional composition of cashew butter or cashew pulp

NutrientsButter cashew nuts composition per 100g (with salt)Butter cashew nuts composition per PORTION (20g) (with salt)
Water (g)2.962.96
Energy (kcal)587587
Carbohydrates (g)17.5617.56
Proteins (g)49.41alto49.41alto
Fats (g)8.3548.354
PFA* (g)29.12229.122
MFA* (g)9.7639.763
SFA* (g)27.5727.57
Fiber (g)22
Calcium (mg)4343
Iron (mg)5.035.03
Magnesium (mg)258alto258alto
Phosphorus (mg)457alto457alto
Potassium (mg)546alto546alto
Sodium (mg)614exceso15
Zinc (mg)5.165.16
Cupper (mg)2.192.19
Manganesium (mg)0.8150.815
Selenium (mcg)11.5alto11.5alto
Vitamin C (mg)00
Tiamin (vitamina B1) (mg)0.3120.312
Riboflavin (vit. B2) (mg)0.1870.187
Niacin (vit B3) (mg)1.5991.599
Pantothenic acid (vit B5) (mg)1.2011.201
Piridoxine (vit B6) (mg)0.2520.252
Folic acid (vit B9) (mg)68alto68alto
Vitamin A (mcg)00
Vitamin E (mg eq. alfa-tocoferol)1.561.56
Phytosterols (mg)

How to read the data in the table:

The values ​​in orange are the lowest.

Green values ​​are the highest.

Bold values ​​are significant and differ from other values​​.

* (PUFA) means polyunsaturated fatty acid, mainly consisting of: linoleic acid (18:2) of the omega-6 family and linolenic acid (18:3) family of omega 3. (Cited by order of quantity).

* (MUFA) refers to monounsaturated fatty accid, mostly consisting of: oleic acid (18:1) from the family of omega 9 and palmitoleic acid (16:1). (Cited by order of quantity).

* (SFA) means saturated fatty acid, mostly consisting of: palmitic acid (16:0), stearic acid (18:0) and lauric acid (12:0). (Cited by order of quantity).

punto rojoMore information on cashew

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

8 July, 2024

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