Nutritional benefits of carob beans


Edible properties of carob beans

Carob bean is a very nutritious fruit, although frequently, its nutritional value is unknown, especially outside its region of origin, that is the Mediterranean zone.

For example, carob tree is widespread in South Africa, particularly in the Western Cape, where its food use is barely known and most of these pods are discarded each year.

Table of nutritional composition of carob

Below there is a table with the nutritional composition of carob flour. Measurements must be taken per 100 g of product, while the amount usually taken per serving is usually one or two teaspoons (5- 20 grams):

Composition of carob flour per 100 gr.
Water3,58 g
Calories222 Kcal
Fat0,65 g
Protein4,62 g
Carbohydrates88,88 g alto
Fiber39,8 g alto
Potassium827 mg alto
Phosphorus79 mg
Iron2,94 mg
Sodium35 mg
Magnesium54 mg
Calcium348 mg alto
Zinc0,92 mg
Vitamin C0,4 mg
Vitamin A14 UI
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)0,05 mg
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)0,46 mg
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)1,897 mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)0,336 mg
Vitamin E0,63 mg
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)29 mcg

alto high content in this component


sponge cake with carob flour

Photo of sponge cake with carob flour, exquisite flavor, nothing to envy to chocolate

Food properties of carob tree

The fruit of carob tree is edible. It is a food that provides energy because of its richness in carbohydrates, making it ideal for making creams for children, for athletes and, in general, for those who want to increase the range of healthy foods in their diet.

As for its protein content, carob beans are one of the richest fruits in glycine and glutamic acid, although its content in methionine is low or insufficient.

Currently, carob is mainly used as a substitute for chocolate, as it is a sweet and delicious alternative, lacking the stimulating properties of cocoa, presenting as an excellent alternative for people with hyperactivity, insomnia, or sensitivity to caffeine containing cocoa.

How to cook with carob flour?

Carob flour is an increasingly common ingredient in desserts and breakfast recipes. There are bakers who use it regularly in their recipes and who have become real experts.

It can be used in elaborate preparations or in recipes as simple as sprinkling carob on fruits.

Carob can be sprinkled on fruitsCarob can be sprinkled on fruits

Carob flour as a substitute for cocoa

Carob meal made with the dried flesh of the fruit or carob can be used to make a substitute of cocoa in the preparation of chocolate or also for the preparation of patties that are ideal in case of intestinal problems.

* More information: Carob cream recipe

Carob cream recipe

Carob cream recipe

Carob chocolate

One of the most successful recipes that are prepared with carob is hot chocolate, which may or may not have cocoa (why to eliminate a food as healthy as cocoa, if we can combine the two?)

What are the differences between cocoa and carob?

Carob flour has a very similar appearance to cocoa powder, but its properties and composition are very different.

Pure cocoa is richer in fats than carob and contains fewer sugars. In contrast, carob is sweeter and does not have as many fats as cocoa, which makes it sweeter and more digestive…

* More information: Differences between cocoa and carob

cocoa flour and carob flour

Cocoa flour seeds and powder (on the left) and and carob flour, powder and fruits (on the right)

Other uses of carob tree

  • Food thickener: The food industry uses the seeds of carob to make a food thickener, very useful in making many foods: baked goods, jams, jellies, canned fruits and vegetables, Ice cream, dairy drinks, etc. It is called locust bean gum (or E-410). Its fiber is soluble, formed by the monosaccharides mannose and galactose.
  • Ornamental tree: Carob tree is also used as a tree for garden decoration.
  • Animal feed: Carob beans are used to feed livestock. Its dry pulses are eaten by cattle and enter into the composition of many feedingstuffs for animal feed in general. It is a food that provides a lot of fat so it is usually offered to pigs, along with other plant-type foods such as acorns, figs or chestnuts.

Related information: Carob beans medicinals properties

More information on carob.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

8 July, 2024

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