Remedies for breastfeeding
Characteristics of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the feeding process of the babies with breast milk directly from female human breasts. Breastfeeding properly begins when the mother’s breast milk produced after birth.
The first release of a liquid is called colostrum, a secretion less consistent than milk, which occurs during the first days that follow the birth. Normally, breastfeeding is a natural process that is carried out smoothly, providing enough food to their babies. Sometimes, there are certain problems that prevent normal breast feeding.
It is considered that there is problems when nursing when the baby does not gain weight or when the mother suffers the consequences of this act, like the sore breasts, the appearance of cracks, breast infections, etc.
Symptoms of lack of milk and other problems of breastfeeding
Lack of milk, baby hunger, poor weight gain in the baby, mastitis, cracks, redness of breasts, sore breasts, etc.
Causes of breastfeeding problems
The causes that can produce breastfeeding problems are diverse; between all we will mention the following:
- Impossibility to suck suitably: Some children are born without physical power to suck the milk of his mother or simply do not know how to do it. Sometimes it is the same mother the one that does not have the sufficient technique so that her baby can suck suitably.
- Problems in the breasts: Sometimes the breasts are too small or lacking mammary glands needed to provide adequate milk to infants’ needs. The shape of the nipples can also influence. There nipples are too thin or too deep for the baby to suck properly. Other times, there are some diseases which hinder breast feeding. For example, they may have infection or cracks that cause great pain to the mother who is unable to resist the suction for long.
- Not not breastfeeding at the right time: In order to produce a stimulation of milk production, breastfeeding should imply minimum periods of three hours during the day and 5 at night. When the mother, for some reason or another, can not meet these deadlines, milk production decreases.
- Moral issues: Some mothers do not produce enough milk because they have moral scruples or misconceptions about breastfeeding. This consideration may block milk production.
- Problems of expulsion of the placenta: When in the birth there was not complete expulsion of the placenta, this is indicated by the absence of milk production and maternal bleeding.
- Lack of rest: For producing milk, the body of the mother needs to be relaxed and rested. The excess of work, sleep problems or a state of nervousness can be assumed as the reasons why the mother does not produce enough milk. It has been found that babies are capable of capturing the tension of the mother, which is often the reason why the children do not suck quietly enough and then not properly digest milk, experiencing cramps.
More information on breastfeeding.