Herbal home remedies for breast cancer
Functions of natural treatment on breast cancer
Given the mortality of this type of cancer, what prevails is a precocious diagnosis of the illness. The specialist must determine what treatment to follow based on the conditions of the patient and the evolution of the disease.
The natural treatment of breast cancer works as a complement of the conventional treatments, among which surgery, the use of x-ray, chemotherapy, etc., can be included.
Natural treatment advice for breast cancer
From the point of view of the natural medicine, we can consider the following advice:
- Change of life style: The patient will try to lead a healthier life, eliminating those possible aspects that could have been able to influence in the appearance of the disease. Among these we could mention:
– Giving up the ingestion of toxics such as tobacco or alcohol, medicines without prescription, stimulants like coffee.
– Suppressing stress. Stress is one of the main causes that originate free radicals that bring about many diseases among which cancer is included.
– Suppressing the external polluting factors, like toxic smoke, emanations, etc.
– Adopting a different type of diet in which natural foods of vegetal origin predominate and industrially treated animal foods or its derivatives are suppressed to the maximum. The rich foods in sugars are not recommended, as other refinings, sweeteners or refined flours or, in general, those that contain many preservatives or artificial colores. (See more information on the diet and the cancer of chest)
- Maintaining a positive attitude regarding the future: Although it is difficult, since it is a disease that generates much fear and personal distresses, a positive attitude regarding the treatment possibilities favors the recovery. The personal nervousness or the depression produces a diminution of the defenses of the organism, which does not turn out suitable to overcome the disease.
- Doing some physical exercise: The physical activity reduces the tension and diminishes the nervousness of the cancer patients at the same time as it constitutes a good resource to prevent the depression or to improve the mood.
- Using those resources that the natural plants or their derivatives offer us.
Phytotherapy for breast cancer
The main function of phytotherapy in the treatment of the breast cancer includes the use of a series of plants which functions would be the following ones:
- Immunity increasing, improving the capacity of the own organism to fight against the cancerous cells and to avoid or to delay its advance.
- Palliating or reducing as much as possible the symptoms that this disease produces, especially concerning the treatment of the pain.
- Resisting the indirect effects that the conventional treatments can originate. The indirect effect of chemotherapy are well known, as nausea, fatigue, vomits and even infections.
Herbal remedies for breast cancer
Among the main plants we can consider:
- Mistletoe: (Viscum album) Although tests with patients of breast cancer still do not exist, apparently the injections of a derivative of mistletoe, called Iscador, increase the immunity corporal and they inhibit the growth of the cancerous cells.Applied after the treatment, it prevents the tumor from reproducing (Consult the doctor for a prescription, since it is only given with medical prescription)
- Guanabana or soursop (Annona muricata) Seeds, leaves and, to a lesser extent, the fruits of soursop, have more than 50 different acetogenins, some components with properties against different types of cancer: skin cancer, pancreas, prostate and breast cancer. (See more information)
- Siberian Ginseng: (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Like mistletoe, the liquid extract of Siberian ginseng increases the immunity when it is used of a regular way in approximated periods of a month.
- Agave (Agave americana) The cleansing properties of agave could be useful in preventing the development of breast cancer (Infusion of 5 tablespoons of dried leaves per liter of water. Take a couple of cups a day)
- Green tea (Camellia sinensis) the green tea extract prevents the appearance of cancers, including breast cancer. The usual dose would be around 500 daily mgs distributed in two takings.
- Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Recent research on the effects of supplementation have shown that turmeric curcuminoids have protective effect against cancer (More information)
- Vine (wine-yielding Vitis) the extract of grape seeds prevents the appearance of cancers, including breast cancert. The dose is around 100 daily mgs, when beginning the day.
- Saint John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) the extract of Saint John’s wort is used to help stopping the expansion of the cancerous cells.
John’s wort oil
- Yew: (Taxus brevifolia) a derivative of the crust of the American yew, call taxol, is used, in combination with other treatments, to cure breast cancer when metastasis has not taken place and after extirpating the breast (mastectomy) to protect the patient of possible relapses. (Consult the specialist so that he or she provides the most suitable dose and informs on the contraindications).
- Yew: (Taxus baccata) taxotere is a derivative of the European yew that is used to fight the cancer of breast in the phases of metastasis: (Consult the specialist so that her or she provides the most suitable dose and informs on the contraindications)
- Guarana: (Paullina cupana) The ABC School of Medicine of Sao Paulo (Brazil) noted the effects of guarana supplementation in patients with breast cancer with chemotherapy.
- Hops: (Humulus lupulus) Modern investigations point out the possibility that this plant can inhibit the growth of the cancerous cells, especially in breast cancer.
More information on breast cancer.