Types of bread

Different types of bread

Kinds of bread according to the type of cereal used

Different types of bread

A large part of the bread produced today is obtained from wheat flour, which, due to its richness in gluten, makes it possible to make a lighter and tastier bread.

Breads made from other less gluten-rich cereals, such as rye, are denser and heavier and more difficult to swallow. These are usually the most advisable for people with obesity, since, due to their density, they are more satiating and less addictive than industrial bread.

Bread varieties

Among the different types of bread, depending on the flour used, we can mention the following:

Wheat bread

It is the most common type of bread, due to its texture and quality advantages compared to the rest of the flours.

Rye bread

rye bread
Rye bread

Rye bread is a type of bread widely consumed in northern countries since rye is a cereal that resists colder climates very well. During the Middle Ages this type of bread was used especially, which is the one that is closest to wheat bread. Rye is the second cereal in quantity of gluten after wheat and has the same proteins as this one (glutenin and gliadin ). What determines its structure are proteins and pentosan, along with gelatin obtained from its starch, and not gluten, as occurs with wheat bread.

To facilitate baking, wheat flour and some seeds such as caraway (Carum carvi) are often added to increase its flavor. Whole grain rye bread goes stale very easily.

Barley bread

Barley bread was better known than other breads in ancient times until the Romans replaced it with wheat bread that was used by the wealthier classes while the poor continued to eat barley bread, especially during the Middle Ages.

In western countries, barley, which does not contain as much gluten as wheat, is used primarily to feed livestock, for the production of beer and malt. Other times, a little malted barley is added to the dough of wheat bread to increase the action of the yeasts. In Middle Eastern countries, barley bread is consumed frequently. It can be whole or refined.

Oat bread

Oat flakes can sometimes be added to other types of bread to increase its flavor or exoticness. However oats, being practically free of gluten, are not generally used as the main ingredient in the production of bread, although with this pastry products are made, such as waffles or rolls.

Soy bread

Soy muffins or biscuits are mainly a gluten-free alternative to other breads that have this component. So they are very suitable for those who are allergic to gluten. Small amounts of defatted and heat-treated soy can be added to wheat bread dough to improve its appearance and flavor or to keep it from going rancid.

*Related information: Bread with triticale flour and seeds

punto rojo More information on bread and wheat

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

1 December, 2021

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