Medicinal properties of bran

Healing properties of bran

Although the bran contains other components, the main healing properties of this supplement comes from its wealth of non-soluble fibers. Among the main properties of bran mention the following:

Yogurt with oats bran

Yogurt with oats bran. A good way of eating it

  • Control of cholesterol in the blood: In addition to not contain cholesterol, cereal brans have the ability, for its high content of fibers, to absorb cholesterol from the intestine and passed in the stool to the outside before it is absorbed by the body. It has been proven that people who include the supplements of bran.
  • Control of constipation: The fiber contained in the bran increases intestinal peristalsis and soften the stool so that they are expelled to the outside more easily and frequently, preventing constipation, a condition that affects many adults in Western society refine the practice of removing the bran cereals and grains.

By comparative studies has been that cultures that eat foods high in fiber have a much higher number of stools. In India the average of the stool is calculated between 300 and 500 grams per day, with a residence time in the gut of about 30 to 35 hours. In the western world people keep their feces for 3 days for adults and about 15 days old. The average weight of these is estimated only about 100 g.

  • Treatment of heartburn: Eating wheat bran usually neutralizes stomach acid production and helps the healing of ulcers.
  • Control of the sugar levels in the blood: the fiber wealth of the bran favors a greater control of the sugar levels in the blood. Studies realized in patients with diabetes have demonstrated that the bran ingestion allows them to control better the glucaemia.
  • Reduction of certain types of cancers: Besides absorbing the cholesterol, the cereal bran, it has the capacity to absorb great amounts of toxins that are expelled to the outside. According to numerous studies, the people who ingest some supplement of bran have an index of smaller probability to undergo some cancers, like the colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and uterus cancer.
  • Prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids usually originate by increased pressure on the veins of the rectum. When the bowel is difficult, the pressure on the blood vessels of the rectum can cause hemorrhoids. A diet rich in fiber help make stools soft and that his removal be done with less effort what will be a good way to prevent hemorrhoids.
  • Prevention of diverticulitis: An suitable ingestion of bran can prevent the appearance with digestive diseases like diverticulitis. It has been verified that a poor nourishing fiber diet, favors the appearance of this disease.
  • Aid in weight-loss diets: Bran supplements can be used to help to become thin, since, when mixed with water in the intestine, causing volume increase fullness in the stomach that helps reduce hunger. The fiber diet is one of the most used to cut some extra kilos.

Whenever you take bran supplements you should drink plenty of water !!! Hydration is necessary for the fiber to function properly and to prevent intestinal blockages

Methods of taking supplements of bran. Recommended doses

It can be eaten dry or fragments bran by tablets. The bran that can be purchased as supplements are oats, wheat and rice. The most common way is to take raw bran fragments. The usual dose as a preventative is usually taken one tablespoon daily with juices, milk, yogurt, potatoes, etc.

high-fiber industrial cereals
Very high-fiber industrial cereals are mainly bran

There are much higher therapeutic doses. To lower cholesterol, for example, recommends taking 25 to 100 g per day, which clearly exceeds the total daily dose of fiber recommended which is estimated at 25-35 g daily. If constipation is recommended to take 15 g daily the mixture of wheat bran and oatmeal.

In these cases you should consult with a dietitian, nutritionist or doctor to determine which is the amount we ingest. Little by little reaching the recommended dose. Keep in mind that the reaction to the bran is very dependent on people. Some, for example, require up to six times more than others to fight constipation. Keep in mind that, when taken in pieces dry bran, have a much greater effect the larger fragments that are present.

In cases of high intake is recommended to start with small doses so that the body gets used to it.

Precautions with bran

It should be borne in mind that the bran is not food but a nutritional supplement, so we must be prudent in the amount of bran we eat. Bran intake in excessive doses can cause more health problems than advantages. Excess of insoluble fiber may cause intestinal abnormalities such as rots, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence or even intestinal occlusions. Diets with bran excess can be responsible for other more serious diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome or, as we have seen previously, deficit of minerals.

People who usually eat whole wheat bread habitually or abundant rich natural non-soluble fiber foods (all the vegetables; some fruits, such as pineapples, cherimoyas; or some vegetables such as carrots, spinach, artichokes, lettuces, tomatoes or beets) do not generally need to take bran supplements of bran, unless it is indicated by a doctor.

It is necessary to eat bran along with quantities of water to prevent secondary problems that ingestion of this supplement can cause. The water helps to soften the fibers and facilitate its passage through the gut. It is advisable to drink at least a couple of gallons of water if you include this supplement in the diet.

In case of diverticulitis it is advised to check with your doctor the advisability of taking this supplement. Bran should not be taken by people who suffer from some form of colitis, including ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. In case of osteoporosis, it is recommended not to take bran to avoid this supplement from inhibiting the absorption of calcium.

punto rojo More information on cereals

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

20 March, 2025

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.