The most common types of bread in the world
Types of breads most known in the world
Thousands of breads will be made around the world from the different types of flour, from the different types of plants and, it varies with the technique used. Some of them have achieved international fame such as the following:
Baguette: It comes from France and is made from non-whole flour. It has an elongated shape.
- Chapata: Bread made with whole wheat. It is flattened in shape and generally has a thick, toasted and crunchy crust.
- Chapati: Indian or Pakistani unleavened bread made with whole wheat flour.
- Wheat germ bread: Bread made with refined wheat flour plus wheat germ.
- White bread: Bread made with refined flour.
- Black bread: Bread generally made with rye or whole wheat flour or partially refined.
- Unleavened bread: Unleavened bread
- Muffin: From England. It is a type of fluffy and cylindrical bread that is generally used to drink with tea.
- Matzá: Flat Israelite unleavened bread made for the celebration of Pesash, or departure from this people from Egypt.
- Pitta: From Syria. These are very flat rolls in which you can add some filling. Very common in India, it is part of most meals.
- Brioche: French bread that contains egg and fat. It has a very fluffy consistency although it is very rich in calories.
- Donut: Type of bread made with whole or refined wheat flour in a rounded, crisp and dry shape.
- Naan: Indian bread made with traditional methods in a flattened shape.
- Seed bread: Bread made with whole wheat flour and seeds from different sources (sunflower, corn, oats, poppy, etc.)
- Fiber bread: Bread made with refined wheat flour with bran from other cereals.
- Fruit bread: Refined flour bread with fruits, especially raisins.
- Sliced bread: Industrial bread produced in the form of a loaf. It can be whole or white and is enriched with fats.
More information on bread and wheat
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.