What is silver (E-174)?
Silver (E 174) is a natural silver dye, used in small doses as a cake decoration.
It is chemically obtained from the electrolysis of silver ore.
Chemical properties of silver (E-174)
Insoluble substance. Bactericide.
Uses in feeding silver (E-174)
This colorant is only used in:
Coatings and decorations for cakes and sweets, liqueurs, drinking water disinfection.
Silver toxicity (E-174)
In very small doses it is safe. Its ADI is not determined.
Food preservatives that are commonly used in food:
– Lutein, xanthophyll and tagetes extract – E 161b
More information on food additives
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.