Fruits with less calories
Importance of fruit in the diet for obesity
Fruits, in general, have very few calories and a lot of fiber. This allows the body to be satiated more easily without having to ingest other caloric foods. The usual intake of fruit is a good way to prevent obesity.
Due to its content of potassium and magnesium salts enhance the elimination of excess of fluids, nitrogenous waste and chlorides, so they purify the body.
For its water content – between 80 and 90% by weight – they are an ideal way to hydrate your body while at the same time they bring enough energy in the form of simple carbohydrates (fructose, sucrose and glucose) very assimilable by your body.
Fruits should not be avoided on the table for people who want to make a diet or trying to maintain their ideal weight, because in addition to keeping your slim, they represent a source of health that prevents the occurrence of many diseases
The most important fruits for weight loss
Among the fruits that should be normally present in food for people who want to lose weight we would mention the following:
- Cherries: They have very few calories (50 calories per 100 g, apples or pears have 59 ) but are very sweet to the taste, which can be a good way to meet the desired craving for sweets (chocolate has about 500 calories per 100 g) They are also diuretic, because they have very little salt and lots of vitamin A. It is better to eat a bowl of cherries than eating a snack, made with a lot more fattening food that does not provide the properties of this fruit.
- Melons: Melons are another widely used fruit to sate the appetite without eating too many calories. Cantaloupe contains 36 calories per 100 g, watermelon 32. The first can be a good snack for lunch or a supper dish. Sweet as it is, the second one is an ideal food to relieve thirst during hot days. Both are rich in potassium and low salt, ideal for removing liquid which promotes the prevention or treatment of metabolic diseases such as obesity, hypertension, arthritis or gout.
Melons contain few calories
- Plums: These are fruits that have an enormous amount of fiber, especially dry plums 16 g by each 100 g . Fiber eliminates hunger and helps promote intestinal transit, preventing constipation. Most of the fiber in plums is not soluble fiber. However, we must bear in mind that dried plums are high in calories about 20 calories in half a plum so they should be used with caution. A couple of plums for breakfast with a glass of apple juice help pass the stool and keep the intestines in good shape.
- Figs: Along with plums, they are a food rich in fiber, suitable for diets, besides having a very high content in calcium and low in fat. Contrary to what it is said, figs are not fattening, but they really fill the stomach and, thus, avoid the temptation to eat other foods high in fat.
- Apples: Another highly recommended fruit for its soluble fiber content. Besides having a moderate amount of calories 59 per 100 g , they are the ideal food for those who want to lower the levels of cholesterol. This property is due to its richness in soluble fiber, besides helping to lower cholesterol, they stabilize blood sugar levels in the blood, satisfying our hunger for a long time.
Pears are very suitable to lose weight
- Pears: Like apples, pears are also rich in soluble fiber. Their calorific value is the same. They have very little fat and sodium, making it ideal in the diets. Pears are very sweet, so at any given time, they serve to kill the craving for a titbit.
- Grapefruits: After the failure of the grapefruit diet, new trends seem to highlight the importance of this food within the usual diet in reducing weight.
More information on other diets.