Nutrition for vertigo
Suitable diet for vertigo
A diet rich in vitamins and minerals from natural plant foods can help improve other diseases that can cause vertigo.
Sometimes vertigo is related with hypertension, hypotension or arteriosclerosis. Controlling these anomalies can avoid vertigo symptoms.
– More information about hypertension diet.
– More information about hypotension diet.
– More information about arteriosclerosis diet.
Suitable foods for vertigo
Among the most interesting foods for vertigo we have:
– Vitamin B for vertigo: Vitamin B is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals on the nerves, brain an ear. It has been proved that patients with vitamin B deficiency generally show vertigo symptoms.
Whole cereals are especially rich among plant foods containing this vitamin. (rice, wheat, oats, etc). Other foods are legumes (soy, peas, broad beans, lentils or dried beans, etc.) or nuts. (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc)
– Niacin or Vitamin B3 for vertigo: Small Deficiencies of niacin can manifest as nervous system disorders such as nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.
– Potassium for vertigo: It is particularly interesting to eat those foods rich in potassium to avoid its deficiency which can cause this anomaly.
Foods very rich in potassium are lettuce, potatoes, or tomatoes. Other plants rich in potassium are borage, spinach, asparagus, peas and fruits such as peaches, apricots, grapes or bananas.
– Iron for vertigo: anemia is one of the diseases causing vertigo. Anemia is characterized by a lack of iron in the body. Foods rich in iron are celery, corn, nuts, peas, spinach, chicory, carrots and cucumbers.
NON-suitable foods for vertigo
Among the bad foods for vertigo we can consider:
– Alcohol, coffee, tobacco and other drugs can encourage the occurrence of vertigo.
– High-fat food and cholesterol-containing food: High-fat food, especially from animal origin, can favor cholesterol and bad circulation. You’d better choose a low-fat diet and avoid those food containing too much cholesterol.
– Salty food: Salt can increase blood pressure and contribute to vertigo. (You can consult how to practice a low-sodium diet)
More information about vertigo and its natural treatment.