Vegetarian classes
There are many types of vegetarian people
Vegetarianism is an attitude towards life and nature, where respect for nature and animals prevails. There are different ways to do this, since not all people who consider themselves vegetarians eat the same.
There are several levels or degrees of vegetarianism, depending on food restrictions, that’s to say, what foods they consume or which ones they do not.
From more tolerant to less tolerant, that is, from those who eliminate less foods from their diet, to those that are more restrictive and eliminate more food, we will include the following types of vegetarians:
Currently, there are many variations of vegetarianism. The New vegetarians do not fall under the first definition of existing vegetarians.
Although real vegetarians do not consider them as such, they exist and they consider themselves as vegetarians, therefore, we will mention them.
Within this new group, we find people who consider themselves vegetarians because they reduce their consumption of some foods of animal origin, but not all.
Learn about New vegetarians.
Traditional vegetarians
Within traditional vegetarians, we find some vegetarians that are more permissive than others:
– More permissive vegetarians
The permissive vegetarians are the ones who do not consume any meat or fish, but they take certain products derived from animals. Within this group we have the ovo-lacto vegetarians or lacto-ovo vegetarians, the lacto vegetarians and the ovo vegetarians.
More information about the types of permissive vegetarians.
– Strict vegetarians
The more distinctive ones are the Vegans, who do not consume any meat or fish or any derivatives of the animals. Other groups are, for example, Hygienists and Strict Vegetarians.
More information about the types of vegans.
Variations of more restrictive and exclusionary vegetarianism
More restrictive vegetarians are those that do not consume any meat, or fish or any derivatives of the animals, but they also exclude some plant foods for different reasons. Within this group, we have the Crudivores, the Germvores and Frugivores.
Extreme variants
Even more extreme variants are those that do not consume any food of animal origin, but, within the plant foods, they exclude all those that involve killing or harming plants, among other parameters. We found the Juicy frugivorousness, the Liquidarianism the Vitarianism and the most extreme of all, the Breatharianism.
More information about the most restrictive types of vegetarians.
Other types of vegetarianism
– What does Api eat?
– Are occasional vegetarians vegetarians?
– The macrobiotic diet is a type of vegetarianism?
More information about other types of vegetarianism
More information about vegetarianism