Benefits of a vegetarian diet

Advantages of being vegetarian

A vegetarian diet reduces the risk of disease

There is evidence from U.S. studies that people who make a balanced vegetarian diet have less tendency and, in fact, they have fewer cases of diseases such as obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol.

Which becomes in turn a positive result which directly implies a reduction in risk factors for cardiovascular disease study, some lipid abnormalities, including degenerative diseases, compared with people who have a diet rich in products from animal origin, with high-fat foods (something very usual in American diet).

A vegetarian diet lowers cholesterol and prevents its consequences

In a study with people having type II diabetes, it was observed that, after the completion of a vegetarian diet, there was a reduction in weight and total cholesterol, especially LDL.

Consequences of eating too much meat or fish

LettucesVegetal food is cholesterol-free

Countless studies show that people who make a vegetarian diet have cholesterol levels of LDL and VLDL lower than those eating food of animals and vegetables. This is because the plant foods contain no cholesterol (unless it is added).

Therefore, they do not only increase its concentration in blood. “Bad cholesterol” levels will even decrease, due to containing plant sterols.

A vegetarian diet reduces cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers

Lowering cholesterol supposes to reduce mortality rates because of ischemic heart disease, among many others, arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, hypertension

A vegetarian feeding helps prevent and treat type II diabetes and prevent some cancers.


* More about vegetarianism

Health and vegetarianism.

Difficulties of a vegetarian diet to be balanced and cover all our needs.

Toxic meat.

Disadvantages of a vegetarian diet.

punto rojoMore information about vegetarianism.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

25 June, 2021

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