Vitamins and minerals for ulcerative colitis – Botanical online

Vitamins and minerals for ulcerative colitis

Vitamins, minerals and other supplements for ulcerative colitis

Why to take supplements for the treatment of ulcerative colitis?

The main function of vitamins, minerals and supplements in the natural treatment of ulcerative colitis is to correct the nutritional deficiencies that occur in some patients.

A diseased intestine can have many problems to properly absorb the necessary food principles. Supplements can be able to solve this problem.

Among the major recommended supplements we would have the following:

Glucomannan: glucomannan fiber helps regulate intestinal transit and prevents too liquid depositions. (1 capsule of glucomannan before meals with 1 glass of water).

carrot with pollen

Liquefied carrot with pollen is highly recommended. It contains many carotenoids that regenerate the digestive mucosa.

Pollen: It is high in beta carotene, which helps to regenerate the intestinal mucosa, so it is recommended for people with digestive ulcers. (Add pollen to yogurts or to carrot smoothies).

Spirulina (Spirulina maxima): It is a supplement rich in proteins, mucilaginous fiber, B vitamins, minerals like magnesium, and beta-carotene.

Some studies have shown beneficial properties for ulcerative colitis, although caution is recommended, so take only under medical advice (Spirulina could stimulate the immune system)

Psyllium (Plantago psyllium) The seeds of this plant are rich in mucilage.

These can absorb excessive water from a gut with very watery stools, preventing constipation

Psyllium softens stool, thus facilitating the expulsion of feces and decreasing painful bowel movements that often accompanies patients with ulcerative colitis.

(One tablespoon per cup of water in the morning. Drain and remove the seeds (the soluble fiber remains in the water). Drink the liquid, two or three cups a day) (In case of adverse reaction, discontinue treatment) (Three daily tablespoons of seeds, divided into two doses)

Brewer’s yeast: Supplement rich in protein, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and other minerals. It is recommended to buy flaked to introduce it in your meals (purees, soups, salads, pasta, rice, etc.). It can also be purchased in capsules.

Wheat germ: A supplement rich in essential fatty acids, folic acid, magnesium, selenium, zinc and other nutrients. Advisable to buy it flaked to use in your recipes. You can buy it in capsules.

Fish oil: Fish oils contain essential fatty acids EPA and DHA. (Take capsules according to the patient leaflet). However it should be noted that ingestion of oily fish in the diet provides more of these principles (eg 1 salmon fillet contains up to 50 times more than 70 capsules), so a healthy diet would be more beneficial than fish oil supplements.

Flaxseed: The vegetarian alternative to fish oil supplement. Flaxseed is rich in omega-3, an essential fatty acid that inhibits the action of prostaglandins and helps reduce inflammation. (Take one tablespoon of flaxseed oil each day with 1 cup of water with squeezed lemon) (Another alternative is vegetarian DHA supplements)

Folic acid (Vitamin B9): Ulcerative colitis patients often have deficits of this vitamin, either because of a bad absorption of a diseased intestine as well as because of the influence of many drugs that interact with it. Ingestion of 400 mg per day of folic acid, combined with 200 mg of vitamin B12 can fill gaps. Due to problems of absorbing this vitamin, it has to be often provided by injections.

Zinc: Most patients with this disease have low levels of zinc. Zinc is necessary, among other things, for healing wounds or ulcers, very common in these patients. Ingestion of 30 mg of zinc picolinate, combined with 2 mg of copper can restore the required levels.

In addition to these supplements, food is very important for the prevention and reduction of symptoms of this disease. A proper diet can serve as an alternative to using drugs when they have passed the acute attacks of it.

punto rojo More information on diet for ulcerative colitis.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 April, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.