Tips to diminish stomach ache

Natural advice for stomach ache

Tips to diminish your stomach ache

Besides some natural remedies (See home remedies and diet on the listing below) we can take into account a number of tips that may help reduce stomach pain.

Among them, we will mention the following:


Eat foods particularly suitable for an upset stomach

We should avoid fatty or too heavy foods (fatty meat, cakes, chocolate, etc.) and those resulting flatulent as cabbage or peas.

It is better to choose natural plant foods, especially those that are appropriate. Among them, some very important, for example, apples, carrots, rice or bananas.

Foto de zanahorias

Boiled or steamed carrots and ripe bananas are the best vegetables for the stomach

*More information about Stomach ache diet in the listing below

Reduce the intake of food

Sometimes, the stomach problems are caused by ingesting too heavy or rich foods. By reducing this type of food or eating less, we will help the stomach make a lower effort, which may favor to cure or improve the symptoms.

It is important to eat several times a day to avoid having an empty stomach and to eat a small amount in each of the meals. The ideal rule is to make 5 meals a day. Breakfast and lunch should be the most copious, without being excessive.

A small snack at mid-morning and mid afternoon and a light dinner before going to bed will be the best way to provide a regular food intake in order to avoid feeling hungry. When we keep our stomach empty for many hours, this may show their discontent by spasms or bad feelings.

On the other hand, when we space meals too much, we “force” the body to undertake too much loaded meals to recover energy. This is very harmful to the stomach and promotes obesity.

stomach ache

Eating too much fat can cause stomach upset

Prevent obesity

The accumulation of fat in the abdominal area puts extra strain on your stomach, which favors the occurrence of gastric reflux. A proper diet to lose weight will help yo prevent or reduce obesity and improve the health of the person suffering this disorder.

Drink some liquid or infusion suitable for pain

Providing small amounts of liquids frequently is a good way to calm an upset stomach. Especially if you take some herbal teas with medicinal plants such as camomile or anise. (More information about ” Home remedies for stomach ache ” in the listing below)


It stimulates saliva production and therefore increases stomach acidity and bowel movements or peristaltism. Chewing gum not suitable to the health of the stomach, especially in people with stomach acidity. Moreover, many of the current gums contain sorbitol, an artificial sweetener whose health effects can be harmful.

Many people chew big quantities of chewing gum with sorbitol to lose weight, which is effective for the purgative action of this component. However, these people are not aware that eating plenty of sorbitol excites intestine too much and promotes diarrhea, intestinal gas, belching and bloating. In this case the consequences may be worse than the benefits.


Don’t worry too much. Take it easy!

  • Eliminate Stress: Nervousness and stress are not good for the body. The intestinal musculature becomes too much strained when someone presents nervousness or anxiety.
  • Perform moderate exercise: Exercise relieves stress which helps you relax the stomach muscles. With an aching stomach, exercise should be moderate, since a too strong effort could be counter productive. The best thing to do is to perform a daily walk for half an hour walk or a quiet bike every two days . These exercises, besides releasing tension, help you promote the expulsion of gases that bloat your stomach and produce abdomen ache.

Neither tobacco nor caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant which prevents the stomach muscles to relax. Foods containing caffeine, such as colas, coffee, tea, etc. should be avoided. Tobacco is a toxin which attacks many parts of the human body, including the stomach.

Besides damaging the intestinal mucous, it increases acid production and relaxes the sphincter that connects the stomach to the esophagus. (Esophageal sphincter)

The esophageal sphincter is a valve that opens to let food enter the stomach but then closes not to let the mixture of food and acid get back. The action of tobacco makes the muscles of this valve to become loose, allowing the stomach contents (chyme) go into the esophagus. Gastric reflux is produced which causes much burning in the esophagus and throat.

Do not put pressure on your stomach

  • Reduce the pressure of clothing on your stomach: When the stomach is swollen or ached it is important to relax the pressure on it. Very tight clothing or too tight belts only help to increase pain. It is better for you to loosen your belt, or even to remove it if possible. Do not wear too tight clothing, such as elastic underwear or too tighten trousers.
  • Sleep with your head higher than your body: If we maintain our head lower than the body, we will make easer for the chym to pass to the esophagus. We must remember that we call chym the food contents in the stomach together with the gastric juice and enzymes. People who have problems about gastric reflux should used a pillow if they do not want to worsen their symptoms.
  • Avoid sleeping after eating: Sleeping with a full stomach favors the occurrence of reflux. It’s good to rest for half an hour, although you should take a proper position, sitting on a chair or sofa with your head higher than your trunk.
  • Apply moderate heat on the stomach: Many people, suffering from stomach pain, caused by “nerves in the stomach” improve their symptoms when some moderate heat on their stomachs is applied. A very effective home remedy against this type of stomach pain is to use a hot water bottle or apply a compress soaked in warm water on your stomach to relieve pain.

punto rojoMore information on stomach ache.


Muscles and sinews
Muscular atrophyBones and joints
FibromyalgiaJoint pain
Spasms/ache/crampsBack or spine ache
Muscular distensions and tearsNeck pain
Stomach achePeriod pains
Sore throatHeadache
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

27 May, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.