Nutrition for Restless Legs Syndrome
Suitable and non suitable food restless legs syndrome
The removal of beverages containing stimulant principles (caffeine, theobromine). As coffee, tea, chocolate, colas, etc., helps slow down the attacks. Other toxins such as tobacco, alcohol and any drugs should be avoided.
It is believed that a diet deficient in vitamin, especially folic acid (Vitamin B9) and cobalamin (vitamin B 12) and iron-rich foods could be causing the problem or aggravating symptoms. Eating natural foods rich in these components is beneficial for people suffering from this disorder.
- Foods rich in vitamin B : Whole grains (wheat, oats, barley, etc.) Nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts) vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, endive, radishes, lettuce…) brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, etc.
- Foods rich in iron: (More information about vegetarian food containing iron)
Supplements for restless legs syndrome
When the intake of foods mentioned in the paragraph above does not cover the special needs of people affected by this syndrome, it is appropriate the administration of vitamin B iron and magnesium supplements.
More information about restless legs syndrome remedies.