How much potassium de we needed daily?
No RDA has been established for potassium, as it is very abundant in food and very easy to get. However it is estimated that the minimum amounts required are:
Estimated minimum amount of potassium in mg (milligrams) | |
Up to 5 months | 500 |
Of 6 months to 1 year | 700 |
Of 1 to 2 years | 1000 |
Of 2 to 5 years | 1400 |
6 to 9 years | 1600 |
Over 10 years | 2000 |
Daily potassium needs
In general, a varied diet provides the necessary amount of potassium. However, there are a number of situations in which there could be a deficiency of this mineral:
– Ingestion of diuretics: Diuretics are substances that increase urine production. They can be taken to avoid fluid retention caused by various reasons (pre-menstrual syndrome, cardiac insufficiency, obesity, etc.)
There are natural diuretics (diuretic plants or supplements) or chemical diuretics (certain drugs to lower blood pressure or certain drugs to treat heart problems. An abundant and frequent intake of one or the other may produce too low potassium levels, particularly when diuretics are combined with a very low calorie diet, as in many strict diets to lose weight.
– Diarrhea: The diarrhoea supposes a very great elimination of liquids and, at the same time, electrolytes. A persistent and severe diarrhoea could produce potassium deficiency.
– Vomits: when vomiting we eliminate a lot of water. Constant vomiting and could result in low levels of potassium.
– Physical Exercise combined with heat: The combination of hard physical exercise with a very high temperature produces a higher sweating which can cause symptoms of lack of this mineral. (Cramps in the legs of athletes is often produced by a heat problem along with a hard effort)
Problems with potassium. Potassium toxicity
It is very difficult to engage in an overdose of potassium, since the body can accept without problems up to 18 gr. daily.
However, there are cases where this has occurred unintentionally (Kidney problems that prevent their removal) or voluntary (eating too many supplements). Excess potassium in the body produces a condition called hyperkalemia whose most characteristic symptoms are: muscle fatigue and cardiac arrhythmia.
One is due to try to get potassium from the daily diet.
The ingestion of potassium supplements may be of interest to treat hypertension and to compensate for potassium loss that occurs in taking diuretics. However, in either case, this treatment should only be undertaken with the approval of the physician.
Potassium should never be taken if you take certain medications for high blood pressure, heart problems, kidney or treatment of pain.
More information on potassium