Peptic ulcer diet
How to avoid ulcer acid reflux
Follow these tips:
* Replace very greasy foods by other natural plant foods high in fiber, that reduces the presence of acid in the stomach and has a restorative function of the gastric mucosa.
* Do not abuse drinking milk because, although milk initially appears to relieve pain, then, it increases acidity.

* Do not eat heavy or starchy vegetables like cabbage or foods belonging to cabbage family or potatoes. Replace them with other lighter vegetables.
* Avoid excessive meals or avoid separating meals too much. Substituting these for less affluent meals and diminish time between them to prevent the stomach to become too full or too empty for too long. Eating too much or leaving too much time between meals can increase acidity. Taking about 5 or 6 light meals a day is the best way to follow. You should not eat 3 hours before going to bed.
* Eat quietly, chewing food thoroughly. This eases digestion. Take a rest after and before meals. this will help your body to digest, but don’t become asleep for too much time immediately after meals.
* It has not been proved any relation between ulcer development and eating chocolate, tomatoes, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, mandarins, etc), spicy foods, salted or fried food and drinking carbonated drinks, too hot or too cold beverages. However, you should avoid these foods if they personally produce you signs of irritation
* Caffeine and ulcers: There is a well-proved relation between ingesting caffeine- containing beverages and ulcer development. You should not drink coffee, tea, or cola beverages if you’ve got a too active stomach.
* Avoid drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco.
Recommended foods to prevent gastrointestinal ulcer development

The most recommended food for ulcers are:
- Apples: Their pectin content and the influence of glycine, a natural antacid, make it very suitable in cases of heartburn. Just eat a few pieces of apple and you will feel a great relief, so its continuous intake becomes a substitute for other chemical antacids.
- Pineapple: Eating pineapple, because of its content of glutamine and bromelain, is beneficial for ulcers. In spite of this, some people do not tolerate its acidity.
- Bran: Eating wheat bran usually neutralizes stomach acid production and helps healing ulcers.
- Bananas: Large bananas protect the digestive mucosa and prevent ulcers or assist in their recovery. Eat in any way (fried, boiled, etc.) or take powder concentrates.
*Related information: Highly spiced foods and ulcer
Non recommended foods for ulcer
The following table shows a list of suitable and unsuitable food for ulcer diet:
Foods for ulcer diet | |
Recommended | Foods to avoid |
All, tomatoes (if tolerated) | Tomatoes (if not tolerated) Potatoes, chips, fried potatoes, sweet-potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnips, corn, pop corn, green peppers, cucumber. Highly seasoned vegetables in salad. |
All (fresh or dry) prepared with low fat. | All (fresh or dry) prepared with high fat. |
All / fruit juice (if tolerated) Acid fruit (If tolerated): Citrus fruits (Lemons, oranges, grapes fruits, tangerines, etc.) Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc.) figs. | fruit juice (if not tolerated) Acid fruit (If not tolerated): Citrus fruits (Lemons, oranges, grapes fruits, tangerines, etc) Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc) figs. |
Whole plain or enriched bread or whole pasta, cereals or low fat cakes or pastry. Refined cereals bread or refined pasta | High- fat breads or pastry (biscuits, croissants, cakes, doughnuts etc) Wild rice Breads with seeds, nuts, or dry fruits |
Soak seeds and nuts 1 hour before eating them. | Those that had been spiced, fried or with added salt. |
MILK | |
Not- fat or low-fat milk or derivatives from these types of milk (non-fat or low-fat yogurt, low fat cheese) Soy cheese or tofu. | Whole milk or whole milk derivatives (butter, cream, strong cheeses, whole yogurt) |
All lean meat, fish, lean ham, soy meat, mild seasoned meat, eggs, poultry (no skin) | All high-fat meat, fried meat, fried fish, highly seasoned fish (salami, sausages, frankfurters) highly seasoned meat (poultry with skin) |
FATS | |
Vegetable oils (moderately) light margarine or light mayonnaise, Smooth peanut butter | Animal fat, coconut oil, palm oil, whole margarine or whole mayonnaise, chunky peanut butter |
Seasonings and condiments | |
Salt, herbs, vinegar, ketchup, mustard (with moderation) low fat salad dressings, low-fat dressings and mayonnaise, sugar, honey, syrup | vinegar, ketchup, mustard (in high quantities) high fat salad dressings, |
Other | |
Jelly | Coffee, tea, colas, |
More information about ulcers remedies.