Diet for mouth ulcers
Food tips for mouth ulcers
The following recommendations would be useful to prevent the occurrence of ulcers in the mouth:
– Avoid foods that could worsen mouth ulcers. These include oranges, lemons, grapefruit, pineapples, tomatoes, plums, walnuts, cherries, chocolate, vinegar, etc.
– Moderate alcohol consumption, coffee and vinegar.
– Avoid foods with lots of condiments or those that contain too much salt or sugar. Moderate consumption of meat.
– Avoid chewing gum
– Eat quietly, chewing food thoroughly. Choose those natural non-fatty foods rich in vitamin B, vitamin E, vitamin A, folic acid and iron.
Recommended foods for mouth ulcers
The most recommended food to prevent or alleviate mouth sore are:
– Apples: Given its basic nature and its bactericidal properties, especially given by the malic acid, apple is one of the most suitable foods for mouth sores. (Beside eating apples, it is very convenient to rub your the inside of your mouth with the apple flesh by means of pressing it with your tongue)
– Bananas: Studies carried out in India, a country where bananas are much consumed in form of flour to make homemade bread (chapatis), have demonstrated the power of this fruit in the prevention of gastric ulcers and its capacity to protect the intestinal mucosa. It has been proved their protective power to combat gastritis or to prevent the ulcers. They can even be used to cicatrize them. Bananas may prove very effective for mouth ulcers.
– Yogurt: It is believed that the rich natural Lactobacillus acidophilus from yoghourt helps prevent cold sores
Vitamins and minerals for mouth ulcers
The main vitamins that can prevent the occurrence or recurrence of ulcers of the mouth are:
– Vitamin E: The intake of food with this vitamin protects cell membranes from oxidation by protecting its fatty acids. A lack of this vitamin appears to be the reason for degenerative changes in the cells of some tissues. Vegetable, specially green vegetables, are the richest foods in this vitamin. Supplements of this vitamin Can be take for the same purpose. They are usually taken in doses of 400 to 800 IU daily.
– Vitamin A: The intake of natural foods rich in this vitamin promotes the healing of wounds. This vitamin is found in many orange, red or yellow, plant foods, especially carrots, purslane, spinach, watercress, borage, basil, pumpkin and so on. Supplements of this vitamin can be take for the same purpose. They are usually taken in doses of 25,000 to 50,000 IU daily
Carrots are rich in vitamin A
– Vitamin B: It can be obtained from whole grains (wheat, oats, barley, etc.) Nuts also contain a lot of vitamin B but they are not recommended (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts) and vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, radishes, endive, radishes, lettuce…)
– Folic acid: Daily requirements are estimated at 200 mg. It can be found in animal foods such as chicken, liver and beef. Plant foods that contain it are: beans, bananas, spinach, asparagus, avocados, melons, lentils, chickpeas
Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips and radishes are high in fiber, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium and antioxidants
– Foods rich in iron: These include such foods as celery, corn, peas, spinach, chicory, carrots and cucumbers.
Tips to treat mouth ulcers
For the temporary relief of mouth sores the following methods are effective:
– Apply ice.
– Perform salt water rinses.
– Perform rinsing with hydrogen peroxide diluted in water.
– Perform milk rinses.
More information about mouth ulcers natural treatment.