Plant-based diet for diarrhea

Food: Eating and drinking with diarrhea

Dietary tips for diarrhea

Adequate food is essential to control diarrhea. It is advised eating foods which do not have many insoluble fibers, as these produce an overstimulation of the intestine and increase the diarrhea.

Choose those foods capable of replenishing the large amount of fluid lost and, above all, those that are able to restore the minerals removed by the liquid loss (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium)

Among the most suitable food to stop diarrhea, we have:

Recommended foods for diarrhea

  • White rice: It has always been used as a remedy to stop diarrhea. A good way to stop it is to prepare a dish of boiled white rice with a little olive oil. Rice pudding will also be very useful for the same purpose.
  • Bananas: They are very digestible, They do not excite colon very much and they contain a high amount of potassium that can be recovered after the liquid was removed.
  • Carrots: They are good intestinal regulators are also able to prevent constipation, such as while, for its richness in pectin, calm diarrhea. They are commonly used to remove diarrhea in infants. (Feeding bottles made with well mashed and and sieved carrots boiled for 90 minutes are recommended)
  • Garlic: Having such a richness in sulphur-containing components, this plant, together with onion, becomes of the best natural remedies to cure infectious processes of digestive tract, intestine putrefactions and diarrhea.
  • Apples: Though it may seem contradictory, their high pectin content makes them a good regulator of the intestine, so that they are mild laxatives in cases of constipation, especially when eaten early in the morning. The absorbent value of the pectins are ideal in cases of colitis, diarrhea, gastroenteritis and in all cases where a too abundant and soft defecation appears.
  • Pears: In case of diarrhea, their slightly astringent properties help overcome diarrhea, resulting in an excellent aid for the treatment of colitis.
  • Currants: For their tannin content, especially blackcurrants, help stop diarrhea.
  • Probiotic Yogurt: Intestine requires the presence of a number of beneficial bacteria that are able to neutralize the harmful bacteria that cause several types of diarrhea. Yogurt is a very rich food, in addition to providing lots of protein, calcium and carbohydrates,it is able to replenish the intestinal flora by assisting the growth of beneficial bacteria. It is particularly interesting probiotic yogurt, that’s to say that containing the following microorganisms: Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bifidus.
  • Fruit juices: The juice of most fruits and vegetables are particularly recommended for the dietary management of diarrhea. They are able to replenish the water loss and provide vitamins and minerals needed.
  • White hawthorn fruits: Hawthorn fruits, because they contain much starch, catechins and zinc, have astringent properties making them useful for the treatment of diarrhea. (Take jam of hawthorn fruit)

We must not forget that the patient with diarrhea, in addition to eating these foods, should drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

White bread or refined pasta: The starchy content of white bread or white rice are ideal to stop diarrhea.


Carrot juice

Unsuitable foods for diarrhea

It is advised NOT to eat the following types of food:

  • Any type of food other than those mentioned above within the first 24 hours of the episode of diarrhea.
  • Rich soluble fiber food because it produces an overstimulation of the colon. Bran, dried plums and dried fruits in general must be rejected.
  • Food which is not well tolerated by the affected person. Food intolerances are responsible for many cases of diarrhea.
  • Too sweet food since it increases peristaltism (bowel movements) producing of favoring diarrhea encouraging.
  • Sweet drinks with artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol or mannitol, which also stimulate evacuation.
  • Drinks with caffeine (coffee, tea, colas) since they contribute to the removal of too much liquid.

punto rojo More information about diarrhea natural treatment.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

23 June, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.